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    Another world is possible
  • S30 – Occupy Boston 10yr Anniversary Planning/ Everyone Welcome!

    Hello Comrades,

    Ten years have passed. In many ways, the world is as it was in 2011, in many ways, we have rays of light and hope, emerging from the heartbreak of neoliberal darkness. We would like to invite you to organize with us. If you are reading this communication, you are an important part of why Occupy continues to live in the imaginations of millions, globally. And why we want to work with you. If you would like to join the weekly planning meetings, which are online every Tuesday night, please join our facebook group:

    Say Her Name March & Rally: Boston

    Black Lives Matter Boston writes:

    Say Her Name March & Rally: Boston

    Hosted by Black Lives Matter Boston

    Saturday at 4 PM March from Nubian Square to the Boston Common

    On Saturday, July 4th, we will gather to center and uplift the lives of ALL Black womxn in a march from Nubian Square to Boston Common, followed by a celebratory rally in the Common where we will share music, food, the arts. There will be radical joy and dancing because, as Audre Lorde wrote, “it is better to speak/remembering/we were never meant to survive.” Womxn hold up half the sky all over the world and have always been essential, yet Black womxn are too often overlooked, erased, and devalued. Show up for Black womxn. Support Black womxn. Join us!

    Eleven Dirty & Disgusting Questions


    Is there anything more grotesque than animals that feed on the sick and dying? Is there anything more unethical than stratospheric, sacrilegious profit sucked from those with the misfortune to become ill?

    Nationalize the healthcare industry.

    The moral disease that laid the foundation for the current healthcare crisis is greed. Its method of transmission is capitalism. The Covid 19 Pandemic has revealed the truth: it doesn’t matter if Harry and Louise have healthcare, if their neighbors don’t—and we are all neighbors. We are all cells in one body politic. We are all vulnerable to the sequelae of monopoly capitalism; rampant infectious disease that is the hallmark of the end of empires.

    Nationalize the healthcare industry.

    Even before the flowering of plague profiteering—‘in-the-know’ Senators off loading stocks just in time; a president who owns stock in a supposed cure—we had a healthcare industry whose primary mission has always been to make a profit. And it’s very good at making profit. *In 2018, the combined compensation for the five best paid healthcare insurance CEO’s was over


    The healthcare industry’s, other, minor mission, providing healthcare, it does badly. In spite of their filthy rewards the princes of healthcare insurance fiefdoms have not laid by enough masks, beds or ventilators to fight one of the oldest, best known, scourges on earth. The mechanics of fighting this disease are not a mystery; how the fabulously incompetent captains of the healthcare industry can believe themselves to deserve their riches, is. 

    Why do we not have the tools to win a winnable war?

    Should we ask that stooge of the 1%, Donald Trump, to stop whining about airlines—the little fingers of big oil—long enough to say something about health care, or should we ask those in charge? 

    Michael Neidorff, CEO Centene, $24 million, 2018,  “Why are there not enough ventilators?”

    Larry Merlo, CEO CVS Health, $22 million, 2018, “Why are there not enough masks?”

    David Cordani, CEO, Cigna, over $18 million, 2018, “Why are there not enough swabs?”

    David Wichmann, CEO UnitedHealth, $18 million, 2018, “Why are the old people dying?”

    Nationalize the healthcare industry.

    Somehow, amid news broadcasts of governors bidding against governors (and the federal government) for PPE, we’ve lost sight of who we’ve paid to do this job. We thought we were paying them to provide healthcare—but insurance companies don’t provide healthcare—clinicians do, and ours are at risk. 

    Bruce Broussard, CEO Humana, over $16 million, 2018, “Why are clinicians at risk ?”

    “Sirs, will you make more in 2020, than you did in 2019?”

    A healthcare system that fails to protect against infectious disease and which is not prepared to care for those felled by infectious disease is not a healthcare system, it’s a racket. And the people who own it are parasites. The only way to cure this disease is to remove the cause: for profit healthcare and the vampires that own it.

    Is it too late ?


    HONK! Festival: 14th Annual Festival of Activist Street Bands

    New to this year’s HONK! are three out of towners, plus a newly formed local youth band.

    October 11 through 13, 2019

    a wide variety of musical / activist events planned in Somerville, Cambridge, Boston


    (Somerville, MA) The very first HONK! Festival, Somerville-based and fourteen years strong, has always been clear on its most basic premise, to literally blast out, musically loud and rhythmically clear, a call to come together. To gather outside in celebrating the many positive aspects of life – while also delivering a heads up if those positives take a negative turn.

    HONK! is dedicated to keeping tabs on these transitions, be it locally or globally, with the shifts now coming at a rapid rate. In HONK!’s mind, the best way to stay grounded is to take a stand, get out there with musical instruments in hand, or just clap those hands, and carry on in peace with a beat and a dance step or two. That activist philosophy has certainly caught on, with HONK!s now popping up throughout the world. At last count, twenty-one HONK! Festivals.

    In that spirit of solidarity, this year HONK! has invited, among all the bands participating, four new bands to join in the festivities, three of which are coming from afar, and one from right in our own backyard:

    Bolschewistische Kurkapelle Schwarz-Rot: formed in East Berlin in 1986, the band sees themselves as “the vanguard of a revolutionary orchestral movement,” spreading their political statement in “the form of music to educate the mind as well as to shake the booty.”

    Clamor & Lace Noise Brigade: based in Chicago, the band strives to bring music, written and/or performed by people identifying as women or non-binary, to the forefront of their city’s music scene. Established in 2018, Clamor & Lace is open to musicians and performers of all skill levels, and all members are encouraged to bring their own arrangements and/or original songs to the band. The band is committed to its progressive values and frequently performs in support of them.

    Fanfarra Feminina Sagrada Profana: making their debut in 2017 in the streets of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil), the band is focused on performing music created by women composers and performers, or performing compositions that honor and exalt women, while also combining that with rhythms derived from their own popular culture. The band’s aim is to give voice to women by way of music and art, and to raise awareness of women’s continuous struggles for gender equality and emancipation.

    Summer Street Brass Band: formed last year and comprised of local youth, the band performs popular jazz, funk, and latin tunes in a variety of Boston-area settings, from ceremonial gatherings to community and other social events. The band enjoys a joke and a laugh, but when it comes down to playing “we take it seriously.”

    This year’s HONK! includes all the features that have compelled many to
    return year after year:

    • on HONK! Friday early evening, Lantern Parades throughout Davis Square neighborhoods;
    • on HONK! Saturday afternoon to evening, continuous HONK! band performances held in Davis Square;
    • on HONK! Sunday early afternoon, the venerable HONK! Parade down Massachusetts Avenue from Davis Square to Harvard Square, in order to “Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes, and Feet.” The Parade will include this year’s participating bands plus many activist community groups.
    • on HONK! Sunday afternoon, the Parade will be followed by a HONK! mainstage featuring quick sets performed by many of the participating bands. The Parade will also be followed by an opportunity to participate in several new “sharing” workshops, a departure from what has been part of the regular Sunday schedule;
    • on HONK! Sunday early evening, a collective HONK! call-to-action, by visiting musicians and bands, that will take place outside the immigration detention center in Boston, to raise awareness about those who are being detained there, and to remind the detainees with music, that they have not been forgotten by many in the outside world.

    There are also several new or newly re-visited HONK! initiatives, such as:

    • an All HONK! Band Revue to be held on HONK! Friday evening in Union Square’s Bow Market;
    • a HONK! Pick-up Band, back by popular demand, this year called HOOT, for those music makers who are not affiliated with any bands performing at this year’s HONK! Or are, and can also somehow manage to dive into this as well. The “interest form” can be found at:
    • new workshops to be held on HONK! Sunday afternoon, soon after the Parade arrives in Harvard Square: a series of “Skill Sharing” workshops and a massive “Song Sharing” workshop. These gatherings will be led by members of participating bands, and the public is welcome to join in as well.

    For complete information and continuous updates on the HONK! Festival, visit,, and

    This Friday could be the largest day of climate action in history

    This Friday could be the largest day of climate action in history. See you there! Join a #ClimateStrike on Friday — and activities around the Week of Action to show what people power can do.

    In just two days, hundreds of thousands — likely millions — of people around the world will strike for the climate. We hope you’ll be joining this massive, historic action.

    Join the #ClimateStrike this Friday by signing up for an event in your area – and spread the word far and wide.

    Globally, over 5,000 actions have been registered across 139 countries, with over 1,000 of them here in the United States. The #ClimateStrike movement has aligned around bold and inspirational demands, with clear calls to phase out extraction with a just and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy for all, respect Indigenous land and sovereignty, prioritize environmental justice, protect biodiversity, and invest in regenerative and sustainable agriculture.

    Bring along your friends, family, and colleagues with you and be a part of this amazing moment. The climate strike is on track to be the largest day of climate action in the history of the planet, and we hope you have a plan to join in-person or online.

    In addition to joining the strikes, here are some more ways you can get involved:

    • Share the news about the #ClimateStrike on Facebook, Twitter, and by email.
    • Follow along with climate strike actions on social media and share using the hashtags #StrikeWithUs and #ClimateStrike. You can even update your Facebook profile picture using the #StrikeWithUs frame.

    Together we’re demanding urgent, transformative action to address the climate crisis, and we’re raising our voices to usher in a new era of just, bold, and equitable climate action. And this week’s #ClimateStrike actions are just the beginning — we’ll be following up with a powerful #ClimateStrike Week of Action featuring targeted actions against fossil fuel infrastructure and much more.

    One more time: Sign up to join a #ClimateStrike event in your area!


    September 20 US Youth Climate Strike Coalition Demands

    Greta Thunberg is leading kids and adults from 150 countries in a massive Friday climate strike

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