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    Another world is possible
  • Fidel Speaks to Harlem

    (from Mass Action Against Police Brutality)

    Saturday, 12/17 11am
    Film & Discussion: ‘Fidel Speaks to Harlem’
    @Parker Hill Library
    1497 Tremont Street, Roxbury Crossing (lower floor)

    Wednesday 12/21 (time TBA)
    Court Support: Cleon Ali Hodges & Codefendants
    @Cambridge District Court
    4040 Mystic Valley Parkway, Medford, MA


    Cambridge to Charlotte: Justice for All Victims of Police Brutality

    (from Mass Action Against Police Brutality)

    Saturday, December 10th 3-5pm
    Cambridge Community Center
    5 Callender Street, Cambridge 02139

    Cambridge to Charlotte: Justice for All Victims of Police Brutality

    • Join us for a community discussion on the growing national movement
    • Hear from a panel of survivors and family of victims of police brutality
    • Learn about the local cases of police killings and cover-ups
    • Discuss developments in cases around the country from Charlotte to Cincinnati to Charleston
    • Discuss how to build a mass movement and win justice for victims and their families

    Speakers Include:

    SHAHIDAH – sister of USAAMAH RAHIM, killed by the Joint Terrorist Task Force in Roslindale, MA June 2, 2015

    MARY HOLMES – Roxbury resident who was assaulted at Dudley station by ex-MBTA police officer Jennifer Amyot Garvey on March 6, 2014

    SIHAM BYAH – recently beat false charges of assault and battery on a police officer in Chelsea.

    Moderated By

    BROCK SATTER, organizer for Mass Action Against Police Brutality


    Mass Action Against Police Brutality condemns the Cambridge police for the unlawful detainment of 21-year old Cleon Ali Hodge on October 13, 2016. We demand that Sergeant Detective Ahern be immediately fired, charged with assault and battery, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    Boston Police killed Terrance Coleman after a 911 call for an ambulance on October 30, 2016 in the South End. His mother and eyewitness said he was unarmed and not a threat to anyone. Police claim he had a knife. We demand the prosecution of the officers who killed Terrance Coleman.

    Across the Country…

    North Charleston, SC – Walter Scott, unarmed, killed by officer Michael Slager on 4/4/2015. A bystander recorded Walter Scott being shot 5 times in the back, yet a mistrial was called this week due to a hung jury.

    Cinncinnati, OH – Sam Dubose, unarmed, killed by officer Ray Tensing on 7/19/2015 during a daytime traffic stop. Despite the bodycam footage, murder trial ended in a hung jury last month.

    Charlotte, NC – Keith Lamont Scott killed by officers on 7/20/2016. Although his death was recorded showing him backing away from the police with his arms at his side in a non-threatening manner, the DA announced last week that he would not charge the police officers who killed Keith Lamont Scott.

    Come to a discussion about how to build a mass movement to force the government to enforce the law when it comes to the crimes of the police.

    Mass Action Against Police Brutality
    617-858-0104 (call/text)
    Facebook/Twitter/Instagram MAAPB617

    ACTION ALERT: Demand a winter plan for people experiencing homelessness NOW!

    (from the Boston Homeless Solidarity Committee)


    Every year, the City of Boston and state release a ‘winter plan’ that outlines the services it will provide for people experiencing homelessness. These actions are integral to the fight for a safe and dignified survival of the Boston winter.

    Last year’s plan consisted of “overflow” areas where guests slept on shelter floors or in chairs. The remaining individuals were bused to sleep in the front atriums of partner providers. Overcrowding and poor conditions caused an outbreak of meningococcal meningitis that took the lives of two homeless men. As such, a winter plan of a similar nature would not only be ineffective, but unconscionable.


    Last year’s plan was not released until mid-January, a timeline that did not serve those most vulnerable in our community as inclement weather started months earlier. It’s imperative that the powers that be not only commit to, but also act upon a plan immediately. Temperatures continue to drop and the shelters remain at capacity. Those with unstable housing have increased health and safety risks, and these multiply tenfold in the winter months.


    Participate in the Boston Homeless Solidarity Committee’s call in to demand an immediate release and enactment of a Boston ‘Winter Plan.’ Call or email Monica Valdes Lupi, ED of the Boston Public Health Commission and Mayor Marty Walsh during the week of 8/5. Please act sooner than later. This action will take 5 minutes, but will have a profound impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness in Boston.

    • Marty Walsh, Mayor of Boston (617)635-4500
    • Monica Valdes Lupi, ED of the BPHC (617)534-5395


    Hello [NAME]. My name is [YOUR NAME]. I am from [YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD] and I am calling to express the need for the immediate release and implementation of a Winter Plan including:

    A commitment to the following for the duration of the winter:

    • Establishing enough public and private space that is safe, sanitary and secure to be used as nighttime shelter.
    • Providing guests with cots to sleep on, not mats or floor space.
    • Adequate storage space for guests in temporary and permanent shelters.
    • Shelter hours conducive to a worker’s schedule (at least 8 PM to 6 AM).
    • Consistent and reasonable transportation schedules for necessary busing.
    • Ensuring a minimum of 1 case manager for every 20 shelter guests.
    • Opening public facilities, such as a BCYF facility or a school, for daytime shelter and overnight drop-in.


    Thank you for helping! Please take a moment and go here. If you’re interested, follow us on Facebook to stay in the loop about the Winter Plan and other news.

    Phone Bankers Needed: Reach 1000s to protect ability to reverse illegal foreclosures!


    We have 30 days to reach as many of the 70,000+ folks who were foreclosed in the last 20 years, up to 2014 who must file something at the registry of deeds, by December 31, 2016 (this year) .

    The 120 violations of mortgage and foreclosure law means that almost every single one of these foreclosures can be shown to be illegal.

    FIRST phonebanking
    THIS Sunday 5:30 training/calling until 9pm (or however long you can!).
    Training by skype OR
    Physical location: WAFT/Pleasant St. Neighborhood Network Center, 301 Pleasant St., Worcester.

    RSVP maaplinfo(AT) or just join us!

    For hundreds of years, people have had 20 years to reverse an illegal foreclosure, the financial industry, especially the title industry, wants to end the 20 years and for people who foreclosed more than three years ago, the industry got a law passed saying they must file something (including a court filing if they have one) at their county registry of deeds.

    We can get our hands of literally thousands of the phone numbers who must protect their rights and we need YOU to help us call all of them.

    For electoral campaigns hundreds of thousands of calls go out in a matter of weeks, we can and must do this outreach.

    Remember foreclosures have been running at three times worse the rate of foreclosures in the Great Depression. Tens of $billions of household’s wealth (and stability and health, etc.) have been taken by the banks.

    If the December 31, 2016 deadline is allowed to pass without people protecting their rights in the registry of deeds, that money, that wellbeing and stability of our families, neighborhoods and communities may be irretrievable.

    This is a largest wealth grab, especially from communities of color/ women heads of household that has happened since the end of slavery.

    Please join the community of volunteers that will not only preserve our hundred years old rights, but begin the process of reversing these illegalities and turning the tides on the wealthiest, lawless elements of our society.

    MANY thanks, Grace

    Grace C Ross, Coordinator
    Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending

    “Immigrant Rights in Trump’s America”, a talk by John Tirman

    Prof. John Tirman, director of the MIT Center for International Studies, will be speaking about immigrant rights in the US. Prof. Tirman has recently published a book about resistance to immigration in the US. Previously, he has also written about US-Iran relations, the power of social movements to effect substantive change, and many other topics in international affairs.

    What: “Immigrant Rights in Trump’s America”, a talk by John Tirman
    When: December 1, 5:00 pm
    Where: MIT Building 56- Room 154
    Contact: mitai-exec(AT)
    Event page:

    There will also be a chance to learn about opportunities to get involved with MIT Amnesty International.

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