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    Another world is possible
  • May Day 2019 – International Workers’ Day

    Join in the resistance! Let’s come together to demand driver’s licenses for all, free health care, education, and childcare, affordable housing, and rights for working people including abolishing the wage system. Instead of declaring a national emergency to build a wall, let’s declare a national emergency to combat climate change, rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, and end police brutality. Join us in demanding immediate legal permanent residence for all undocumented migrants and an end to the blockade of Venezuela. This year’s May Day will feature a Puppet Parade including a funeral procession for capitalism. Let’s usher in spring with a fresh and energetic rally and parade which will celebrate the resistance of working people and the oppressed worldwide.

    Wednesday, May 1, 2:30 PM
    Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand
    Followed by a Puppet Parade to Government Center

    Boston May Day Coalition

    Letter from the Birmingham Jail

    A public reading of MLK’s Letter from the Birmingham Jail. 4pm April 16th, at Boston City Hall Plaza.

    The Letter from the Birmingham Jail. A public reading at Boston City Hall Plaza. April 16th, 2019 4pm

    Tax Day Rally – April 17th

    Wednesday, April 17, 2019
    Uphams Corner, Dorchester

    4:30 pm Gather at Uphams Corner Health Center, 415 Columbia Road, Dorchester
    5:30 pm March Columbia Rd.
    6:30 Meal and Meeting at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

    Wars, Military Spending and Tax Cuts for the Rich Are Hurting Our Communities —
    And Destroying the Planet!

    At least 60% of annual US Discretionary Spending goes directly to the Pentagon to finance wars and military spending; the Trump tax cuts overwhelmingly favor the wealthy and Corporations while limiting potential spending that will benefit our communities.

    We say:

    NO to excessive military spending YES to HOUSING
    NO to tax cuts for the rich YES to EDUCATION
    NO to nuclear weapons YES to HEALTH CARE
    NO to military bases all over the world   YES to JOBS

    Sponsors: Dorchester People for Peace, Mass People’s Budget Campaign, Massachusetts Peace Action, AFSC, Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants, City Life/Vida Urbana, Boston Teachers Union, MassCare, 350 Mass Boston, DSA Dorchester, New England War Tax Resistance, American Friends Service Committee, New England War Tax Resistance, Mass. Senior Action (list in formation)

    For peace and justice,

    Massachusetts Peace Action
    11 Garden St
    Cambridge, MA 02131
    United States

    #MeToo: The Umbrella of Sexual Violence

    #MeToo: The Umbrella of Sexual Violence

    presentation by Sharon Schiffer, Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

    Thursday February 21, 6:30 – 8:00 PM

    encuentro 5, 9A Hamilton Place, Boston MA 02108

    Let’s talk about it! The goal of this workshop is to better understand oppression in society and how to best support survivors of sexual violence. Presentation by Sharon Schiffer, Boston Area Rape Crisis Center.

    Sharon is the Community Awareness and Prevention Services Coordinator at BARCC. She manages volunteer groups and leads workshops in Bystander Intervention, Consent, and Responding to Disclosures. She gives several workshops on anti-oppression and understanding how to be intersectional in supporting survivors and is a trained rape crisis counselor. Sharon holds a MS degree from UMass and also speaks extensively about human trafficking in India based on socioeconomic oppression. She is committed to creating positive change for the future.

    Questions? bostonsocialistunity(AT)

    We apologize that the location is not wheelchair accessible.

    A program of the Boston Socialist Unity Project /

    Venezuela anti-coup demo Sat, Feb 23

    US Hands Off Venezuela! Rally
    Saturday, February 23, 1-3pm
    Park Street Station, Boston Common

    Join us as we support Venezuelan sovereignty and oppose US meddling in Venezuelan affairs, through sanction and military threats.

    We support Venezuela’s right to chart its own course, without interference from the US or other imperialist powers.

    This rally is sponsored by the Committee for Peace and Human Rights, Workers World, ANSWER Coalition/Boston, Boston Chapter of Vets for Peace, Boston May Day Coalition, Boston Venezuela Solidarity Committee, Cambridge United for Justice with Peace, Fight For Immigrants and Refugees Everywhere (FIRE), Greater Boston Chapter of the Green-Rainbow Party, International Action Center (IAC), Mass. Peace Action (MAPA), MAPA – Next Gen, March on the Pentagon/Boston, No War on Venezuela, Party for Socialism and Liberation/Boston, Puerto Rico Me Llama, United American Indians of New England (UAINE), United for Justice with Peace (UJP), United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), USW Local 8751 Boston School Bus Union, and Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment.

    Rallies will be held on Feb 23, ‘19 all over the US, Canada and other countries, called by the IAC and Workers World, on the month anniversary of the US recognition of the president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the interim president of Venezuela.

    To see the statement by the national organizers, go to:

    Susan M, Committee for Peace and Human Rights

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