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    This Friday could be the largest day of climate action in history

    This Friday could be the largest day of climate action in history. See you there! Join a #ClimateStrike on Friday — and activities around the Week of Action to show what people power can do.

    In just two days, hundreds of thousands — likely millions — of people around the world will strike for the climate. We hope you’ll be joining this massive, historic action.

    Join the #ClimateStrike this Friday by signing up for an event in your area – and spread the word far and wide.

    Globally, over 5,000 actions have been registered across 139 countries, with over 1,000 of them here in the United States. The #ClimateStrike movement has aligned around bold and inspirational demands, with clear calls to phase out extraction with a just and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy for all, respect Indigenous land and sovereignty, prioritize environmental justice, protect biodiversity, and invest in regenerative and sustainable agriculture.

    Bring along your friends, family, and colleagues with you and be a part of this amazing moment. The climate strike is on track to be the largest day of climate action in the history of the planet, and we hope you have a plan to join in-person or online.

    In addition to joining the strikes, here are some more ways you can get involved:

    • Share the news about the #ClimateStrike on Facebook, Twitter, and by email.
    • Follow along with climate strike actions on social media and share using the hashtags #StrikeWithUs and #ClimateStrike. You can even update your Facebook profile picture using the #StrikeWithUs frame.

    Together we’re demanding urgent, transformative action to address the climate crisis, and we’re raising our voices to usher in a new era of just, bold, and equitable climate action. And this week’s #ClimateStrike actions are just the beginning — we’ll be following up with a powerful #ClimateStrike Week of Action featuring targeted actions against fossil fuel infrastructure and much more.

    One more time: Sign up to join a #ClimateStrike event in your area!


    September 20 US Youth Climate Strike Coalition Demands

    Greta Thunberg is leading kids and adults from 150 countries in a massive Friday climate strike


    If you’re upset about the forced internment of children, you’ll probably be upset to learn that the monsters who profit from these crimes are coming to Boston August 1st–6th. A coalition of community groups are arranging a series of actions to let these monsters know how we feel about them.

    If you’d like to take part, #NoMoreCages has arranged a phone zap tomorrow to convince area hotels not to work with the American Correctional Association. Read more about them here. Register here and make 3–6 calls from the comfort of your home!

    Reclaim the Sullivan Courthouse for affordable housing, community space, and a public park!

    That land was public land for 206 years and should remain public land and provide housing and open space. Not another office tower!

    Rally: No War on Iran!

    Date: Saturday 06/22/2019
    Time: 1-2pm
    Place: Boston Commons near Park Street Station, Boston, MA

    The U.S. war and media propaganda machines are currently gearing up for war with Iran. We will rally to say no to war with Iran! To attempt to justify their actions the U.S. government has put out blatantly false propaganda, including the frankly ridiculous assertion that there is a link between Iran and al-Qaeda. If the U.S. attacks Iran it will certainly be a disaster for the people of Iran and the whole region, and it will be a disaster for people here in the U.S. as well.

    We must come together to oppose this reactionary and absurd war! No war on Iran!

    Student Occupation of State House

    Students occupy the state house, demanding debt cancellation, free public college, and state funding for public education.

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