The following proposal passed the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 7, 2012:
Have GA at Camp Charlie on Thursday [April 12] and Saturday [April 14] at the usual time.
The following proposal passed the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 7, 2012:
Have GA at Camp Charlie on Thursday [April 12] and Saturday [April 14] at the usual time.
The General Assembly of Occupy Boston passed the following proposal on April 20, 2012:
The Safety Working Group requests $300.00 for weekly T passes. We’re bringing this
proposal because many of our most active activists who have made OB their main focus
are living by the skin of their teeth and need to at least be able to get to actions and home
again. It will be first-come, first-serve with the understanding that these are for familiar
faces within our small community.
Occupy Boston’s General Assembly consented to endorse the following statement on April 10, 2012:
OB endorses the Tax Day demonstration coordinated by Right to the City described at and on the attached flyers. OB understands that someone
from Occupy JP will fill out the RTTC on-line endorsement form.
The following proposal passed at the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 10, 2012:
The People of Color Working Group, Anti-Oppression Working Group and Decolonize
to Liberate Working Group request $1,000.00 to purchase a projector, video camera, and
screen to support educational and activism events.The People of Color Working Group needs to do further internal education on different
issues to build solidarity, and they also want to be able to document their activism with a
video camera for further education within and beyond the OB community.The Decolonize to Liberate Working Group is continuing to show films to deepen our
understanding of both the global impact of colonialism and its unique impact in the U.S.
context. We’re next planning to show “9500 Liberty”, a film which traces the impact of
anti-immigration legislation on a community in Virginia, as well as a film on the Indian
boarding school experience at a later date, etc.The Anti-Oppression Working Group has a series of films they would like to do examinig
points of intersectionality among oppressions, particularly the systemic oppressions
of racism, classism, and hetero-patriarchy. In particular we’d like to begin with the
3-part series “Race: The Power of An Illusion”, especially parts two and three which
demonstrate the historical underpinnings to the racialization of wealth in the U.S. context.
We’d also like to sponsor another showing of “Inside Job” at some point, the best film to
date explaining the economic crash of 2008.All three groups are finding that they have a shared analysis of the operation of white
supremacy and the legacies of colonialism in our Occupy movement, in the U.S. context,
and within the broader global context, hence we feel positioned to do this educational
work within OB but need equipment to share to do so.The WGs have been borrowing equipment (most often one person’s personal projector)
but have found it’s increasingly difficult to manage the logistics of this. We believe that
dedicating equipment to these WGs will allow us to hold more events and educate more
people more quickly if we don’t have to plan around borrowing equipment. We have
overlap in membership between our groups which will make transitioning and being
responsible for the equipment less challenging. If the equipment we purchase is less
expensive than the $1,000.00 requested, we will only seek reimbursement for the amount
purchased or return funds as appropriate.
The Financial Accountability Working Group (FAWG) would like the Occupy Boston community to hear FAWG’s story, to consider its history, to feel its distress, to understand its observations and concerns, to think about Occupy Boston’s relationship to FAWG and to money, and to engage in a brainstorming session to decide what’s next.
During this evening’s General Assembly at Camp Charlie, FAWG will share background information, provide current updates, and lead a community discussion. Facilitators will take notes during small group sessions and capture key ideas, issues and concerns on easel pad paper. FAWG will ask for your feedback to determine possible next steps. All the information will be made available for review on FAWG’s wiki page and in an email sent to the Community Forum email list providing those unable to be present tonight with the ability to learn what was discussed.
FAWG anticipates a follow up discussion to this initial conversation approximately one week after the information has been posted to the wiki and the Community Forum email list.
FAWG asks all Occupy Boston members to attend this very important event and to participate in this discussion. Please spread the word!
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