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  • Category: General Assembly

    Paul “Fetch” Carnes and Sydney Sherrell Banned

    The following resolution was passed by consensus by the General Assembly of Occupy Boston, November 3, 2011. It was distributed along with a list of grievances against Paul Carnes and copies of receipts from various transactions paid for with Occupy Boston funds.

    [Download the original packet as a PDF]

    November 3, 2011

    Proposal to Ban Paul (Fetch) Carnes and Sydney Sherrell from Occupy Boston and the General Assembly and from Representing  Occupy Boston.

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have previously been banned from the Financial Accountability Working Group (FAWG) for inappropriate handling of funds and unsavory behavior, and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have already been brought before mediation and were asked to cease and desist actions on behalf of Occupy Boston, and

    Whereas Carnes went to Occupy Cleveland, claiming to have been sent from Occupy Boston, and to be a representative of the National Lawyers’ Guild, and attempted to claim vertical leadership there, much like he did here, and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell passed out a flyer at camp dated November 2, 2011 that was not approved by the GA, the Media Working Group that issues releases, or any form of consensus with the movement, which read: “Occupy News: Occupy Boston Resolves Legal Dispute. Last night the General Assembly welcomed Paul Carnes and Sydney back to Occupy Boston with open consensus-hands followed by an announcement by the Financial Accountability Working Group (FAWG) of Occupy Boston. The announcement stated that Carnes and Sherell have reached an agreement with members of the financial working group on behalf of Occupy Boston to work out their differences after weeks of a communication break-down and an intensive mediation lead by the attorney David Kelston. Over 150 news articles and blog post were written about this issue alone… When Carnes and Sherell took the stage at General Assembly, it was clear that lessons have been learned, their motives were pure at heart, and they truly care about the occupation… The goal is to unite together and fight for what we believe, in solidarity for the good of us all. Both Carnes and Sherell came to an agreement with Occupy Boston to do just that. All is live and well in Occupy Land,” and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have set up a series of fundraising sites purporting to be for Occupy Boston among other occupations but are not part of FAWG, and

    Whereas Carnes has attempted to remove previously published information about his unsavory activities from the Occupy Boston website, and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have shown repeatedly that they have no respect for horizontal democracy, of the wishes of the General Assembly, and are still attempting to manipulate both Occupy Boston and the people outside of the movement,

    Therefore, this ad-hoc group of concerned individuals propose the General Assembly of Occupy Boston agree by consensus to not allow Paul Carnes to represent Occupy Boston in any capacity. Should Paul Carnes or Sydeny Sherrell attempt to speak for the movement or Occupy Boston again, further releases and proposals will be issued to make it clear they are not representatives of Occupy Boston. We will continue to disseminate this information about Paul and Sydney to the entire global movement including Occupy Together as well as individual occupations.

    Paul Carnes and Sydney Sherrell are also hereby removed, which means they are no longer allowed at Occupy Boston sites.

    [Point of Information/Correction: On the second page of the list of grievances against Paul Carnes, it reads that Carnes forced FAWG to allow him back in as a bargaining chip. FAWG points out that this is not the case, and this is false. See agreement between Carnes and FAWG for more information.]

    Legal Working Group Begins Action to Protect Camp’s Constitutional Rights

    This following resolution is summarized from the minutes of the November 3rd, 2011 General Assembly:

    The Legal Working Group reached consensus with the General Assembly on November 3rd, 2011 to allow the National Lawyers’ Guild and the American Civil Liberties Union to begin preparing legal action ensuring the future of the Occupy Boston camp. The proposed lawsuit would request an injunction protecting the 1A constitutional rights of members of the Occupy Boston community and preventing the camp’s removal from Dewey Square. A representative of the NLG clarified that the suit will not be filed at this time but will be made ready and maintained in case of possible developments for which the injunction would be appropriate.

    Occupy Boston Declares Solidarity With Oakland, Actions Planned

    November 2nd: A Day of Action at Occupy Boston

    Higher Education for the 99% March at 12:30 PM

    *Gather outside the Federal Reserve Bank, (600 Atlantic Ave. Boston 02210)*

    By 2012, student debt will hit a trillion dollars. That’s about 70% of the
    total federal deficit. It is already more than total credit card debt.
    Meanwhile, universities are acting more and more like corporations, handing
    out big salaries and bonuses to administrators while workers on campus
    struggle to make a living wage.

    Students and workers unite to demand: an end to student debt, good jobs for
    all, and education as a human right!  Let’s kick corporate greed out of our

    Action of Solidarity with Occupy Oakland at 5:00 PM

    *Gather at Occupy Boston Camp in Dewey Sq. (near South Station)*

    Join the 99% as we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters from
    Oakland,  who had their Occupy camp violently raided on October 25th. The
    Occupy movement has announced a national day of action on November 2nd in
    solidarity with Occupy Oakland. Together, as students, labor, the
    unemployed and all members of the 99%, we will take to the street and send
    a message that our movement will not be silenced!

    Statement of Solidarity: 

    In the early morning of October 11, the Boston Police Department assaulted our right to freedom of speech and assembly when they arrested and detained 141 peaceful protesters. They tackled elderly veterans and subjected many of us to a 13-hour detention in cold jail cells without food. Hours after the raid, Mayor Menino trashed all of the tents, sleeping bags, laptops, and other personal property with which we had previously assembled.

    Exactly two weeks later, Occupy Oakland was attacked by hundreds of riot police. The same week many other Occupy encampments across several US cities witness the same level of repression and destruction of their camp. Under the supervision of Mayor Jean Quan and knowledge of President Obama, who was present in San Francisco, their occupation site and personal property were completely destroyed by the police. Among the wreckage, were medical facilities, supplies, community kitchen that fed hundreds, and the new homes of scores of occupiers, many whom were previously homeless. One protestor, Iraq war veteran Scott Olson, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and Veterans for Peace, was hospitalized after sustaining injuries from the police attack. The police used rubber bullets, tear gas, flash grenades, and sound cannons in an attempt to smash the Occupy Oakland movement with overwhelming force.

    The Oakland General Assembly has called for a general strike on Wednesday, November 2nd. We support that call and stand with Oakland in saying:

    + We stand in full solidarity with Occupy Oakland, Occupy Chicago, Occupy Denver, Occupy Wall St. and any other Occupy movement in the US. and across the world!

    + We condemn the police raids in Boston, Oakland, Nashville, Austin, New York City and other similar attacks that have targeted the Occupy movement across the country!.

    + We stand in full solidarity with Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen, who suffered the most brutal manifestation of the police crackdown on the Occupy Oakland encampment!

    + We support the call to ask Mayor Jean Quan to resign!

    + We support judges and any other city officials who have refused, and will continue to refuse carrying out any acts of violence and repression against the Occupy movement in the interest of the 1%

    +We urge all members of the 99% to take action on November 2nd to send a message that we will not be silenced, despite the attempt by mayors and police departments in Boston, Oakland, and across the country to repress and stifle our movement.

    In Solidarity,

    Occupy Boston

    Proposal Ratified for Regular Public Meetings and Other Practices of the Safety Working Group

    On October 29, 2011, Occupy Boston’s General Assembly reached consensus on the following proposal:


    1. We propose that the Safety Working Group hold public meetings at least once a week to address various safety issues within the Occupy Boston (OB) Community. This Working Group includes the active Safety Team, team members who are off rotation, and members of the OB community who are concerned with Safety.
    2. Rotation of shifts:
      1. We propose that a large number of the OB community should rotate into Safety “shifts” lasting no more than 8 days at a time, because we should all protect our own community.
      2. In order to ensure familiarity with the rest of the community, community members must be active members of another working group for at least four days over a two week period and be vouched for by that group, or participate in at least three General Assemblies.
      3. Pictures and names of active safety team members will be posted at the info desk. New safety team members will be introduced to members of each working group with a physical presence at the camp during their training.
      4. Everybody on rotation ends up doing shifts – to create community-wide accountability for the safety the community, to prevent burnout, and to avoid creating bodies of authority.
      5. In the case of full time occupants, rotations will occur as follows: To start the rotation process, current Safety Team members or volunteers train a new shift of people (New Group 1) for four days. At the beginning of the second four day rotation, current Safety members are relieved of duty for at least four days. During the second four day rotation, the people of Group 1 train another group of people (Group 2). At the end of this second four day rotation, Group 1 is now done with an eight day rotation, but Group 2 stays on for the remainder of their shift, training Group 3, and so on.
      6. The relief of a given rotation of Safety team members is reliant upon the availability of new individuals to join the team. If there is no one to replace them, they may be asked to stay on longer.
      7. SWG will strive to reduce shifts to eight hours or less, however, this will depend on adequate personnel.
      8. In the case of individuals who are only available to be present for the weekends or part time, they will be able to join the safety team as supplemental support to relieve the shift load of other full-time members, and will serve as safety for no more than two consecutive calendar weeks, regardless of the number of days they are present during those two weeks.
      9. After four days off rotation, community members will be welcomed to join the active Safety Team again for another eight day rotation.
    3. Guidelines for behaviour while on Safety shift
      1. Be respectful to community members.
      2. Do not engage in verbal assault.
      3. Assess the situation, don’t assume.
      4. Abolish violence within yourself; diffuse and de-escalate the violence around you.
      5. No one on duty shall be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If a person on Safety rotation is determined to be under the influence by a member of the Medical team or by other Safety team members, or is found consuming drugs or alcohol during duty, they will be asked by fellow members of Safety to step down from duty. These individuals must attend at least two CWWG meetings and they are banned from serving on SWG for two weeks. Before rejoining the safety team the individual(s) will have to be approved by the SWG in a public meeting.
      6. In the case of a second repeat offense, individuals would be barred from participation in the SWG.
      7. Those who are asked to step down should do so without creating conflict with the rest of the safety team – issues can be addressed the following day.
      8. Involvement of police is strongly discouraged in cases of nonviolent transgressions.
    4. Review process: if a person on Safety rotation has not behaved according to the guidelines for behavior, they should be subject to a review process, mediated by the Community Wellness Group.
    5. The SWG will deliver regular GA announcements regarding the personnel situation within the SWG.
    6. Until a protocol regarding eviction and handling of violent behavior can be rattified by the GA, the SWG will act as they deem appropriate to deal with situations involving violence or threats of violence. Regarding situations involving substance abuse, the Community Wellness Working Group will be included in any decisions.


    Further Recommendations:

    1. SWG will draft a protocol for eviction and handling potentially violent or intimidating situations in cooperation with liaisons from the Community Wellness Working Group and Non Violence Working Group to be presented to the GA November 1st.
    2. The Safety Working Group meeting recommends that an Urban Planning Working Group be organized, to deal with tents and territory-related issues that arise.
    3. The SWG recommends the designation of a space for daily meetings for those on Safety shift to vent and help one another to work through issues that arise.
    4. The SWG meeting recommends that current members of the Safety Team receive training in mediation from the Community Wellness Working Group to ensure that they can handle problems without escalation. In fact, the SWG recommends that everybody in Occupy Boston receive mediation training, especially the Occupiers who are on Safety rotation.
    5. The members of the safety team should be outfitted with proper rain and cold weather gear, including waterproof boots and gloves. The team should also be outfitted with adequate two-way radios and yellow reflective vests. Team members shall wear vests while on duty and only while on duty.
    6. SWG will work in conjunction with the women caucus and other under represented groups to provide trainings such as self defense and sexual assault response that will provide greater diversity within the SWG.

    New General Assembly Schedule Consented To on Thursday, October 20

    The following proposal was consented to by Occupy Boston’s General Assembly on Thursday, October 20:

    The Facilitators Working Group (FWG) proposes, starting on Sunday, October 23, that Occupy Boston move to a schedule of conducting General Assembly (GA) on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 7 pm to 10 pm, as well as in the case of emergencies.

    The FWG proposes that all working groups hold at least one publicly accessible, weekly meeting (except Legal Working Group, whose meetings are necessarily confidential). The day, time, and place of the meeting is to be posted on the Occupy Boston website and made available to both the Info Tent and the Media Tent scheduling board. The meeting will be facilitated as a horizontal democracy using a consensus decision-making process. During the non-GA evenings, there will be facilitated discussions and debates starting at 7 pm on issues that interest the Occupy Boston community. Topics for these non-GA nights should be proposed in advance by individuals or working groups during General Assembly.

    The FWG offers its services to all working groups who wish to be trained in a consensus process, and, if needed, can help working groups with the facilitation of their first scheduled public meeting.

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