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  • Category: General Assembly

    Occupy Boston Passes New Resolution Against Sexual Misconduct

    The following proposal was passed by Occupy Boston’s General Assembly on Sunday, January 8:

    Occupy Boston will not tolerate verbal or emotional or physical threats or acts of sexual violence or sexual harassment against any individual, regardless of gender identity, gender, sex, age, class, race, sexual orientation, or ability.

    From now on Occupy Boston will immediately respond to threats and acts of sexual violence.

    To ensure the safety of all members of Occupy Boston, interested workings groups will create a working protocol as soon as possible but no longer than within 1 month for how to prevent and immediately respond to these acts.

    OB Endorses Call for General Strike

    The following proposal was passed by the General Assembly on Jan 7, 2012:

    Occupy Boston supports the call for an international General Strike on May 1, 2012, for immigrant rights, environmental sustainability, a moratorium on foreclosures, an end to the wars, and jobs for all. We recognize housing, education, health care, LGBT rights and racial equality as human rights; and thus call for the building of a broad coalition that will ensure and promote a democratic standard of living for all peoples.

    GA Refines Mutual Aid Proposal

    The following proposal reached consensus at the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on January 1, 2012:

    Mutual Aid Amendment Proposal

    • This proposal will supersede the previous Mutual Aid proposal of $5,000 that was consented to by the Occupy Boston General Assembly on December 20th, 2011.
    • The purpose of the aid provided by this proposal is to provide transitional assistance to Occupy Boston activists who were most physically affected by the eviction of the Dewey Square encampment and the support network it provided. This will help members transition away from life in the encampment and also help them be more productive activists.The aid provided by this proposal is temporary. It will end January 29 or when the allocated funds of $4400 are exhausted, whichever comes first.
    • Assistance proposed will include and be limited to: T-Passes, Food, Cell phones assistance, Occupant Hosting assistance
    • To ensure that recipients of mutual aid are active members of Occupy Boston and the Dewey Square encampment, individuals must have signatures of two sponsors from the working groups in which the individual is an active member in order to receive assistance.
    • All requests for aid must be made in writing and submitted to assigned members of the Mutual Aid Working Group (MAWG) at General Assemblies or MAWG meetings. Mutual Aid Working Group Members will review requests and then request the approved amount of money from the Financial Aid Working Group (FAWG). Aid will then be dispersed by MAWG at the following General Assembly. Other forms of aid will be dispersed via working groups, as described below.
    • As this proposal is meant to provide transitional assistance, aid from this proposal will be available until January 29th, four weeks from now.
    • Funds donated with the Mutual Aid WePay Button will be used to offset the $4,400 taken out of the General Fund, up to $4,400. Nearly $700 has been spent from the previous Mutual Aid proposal; this amount will be subtracted from the final week that this presented proposal is active.
    • We ask the Media Working Group to help promote Occupy Boston Mutual Aid to help generate donations to it.
    • Income checks are not required. We ask that those seeking aid are in need of assistance and remember that others are seeking funds as well.
    • For members seeking individual support from their working groups, requests must be put in writing to the working group, and MAWG will collect written requests at General Assemblies in order to provide accountability and oversight. Continue reading “GA Refines Mutual Aid Proposal” »

    OB Closes Fund for Traveling Occupiers

    The General Assembly of Occupy Boston consented to the following proposal January 1, 2012:

    On December 13, 2011, Occupy Boston’s General Assembly consented to a proposal to pay for travel for Boston occupiers who chose to travel to other encampments, including Providence, or Washington, DC.

    To date, Occupy Boston has spent $3,325 on this proposal.

    In addition, a 12/20 Mutual Aid proposal, amended on 1/1/12, suggests spending up to $4400 by January 29.

    Since the eviction, Occupy Boston has earned $1840 in donations.

    I propose to freeze the travel proposal, immediately, and render it no longer viable, and no longer pay anyone for travel, excepting two return tickets to be bought by 1/2/12 for two occupiers traveling to Washington, DC for an approved reason.

    Signs Will Point to OB on First Night

    The following proposal was passed by the General Assembly on December 27, 2011:

    Signs WG Proposal for First Night: To allocate funds for materials for banners and other materials for First Night. We propose the ability to draw up to $250 for the purchase of these materials to be able to supply other Working Groups with banners and related materials for use on First Night for the purpose of engaging and educating the 99%, including a banner to be hung from The Community Church on Boylston Street.

    Costs include:

    Fabric $150

    Paint and other supplies $50

    Taxes and overages $50

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