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    Low wage workers organizing: The fight for $15 and a Union


    Millions of workers in Massachusetts work hard yet can’t make ends meet. While their corporations are making billions in profits, their CEOs are making millions in salaries, the workers are making a poverty wage.

    Hear their stories and how they took action to win raises for themselves and their co-workers.

    The panel discussion will include a worker from:

    A fast food worker involved in the Fight For 15 in Boston.

    A union instructor in the mental health care field from LifeLinks that went on a 2 day strike and won all their demands this summer.

    A worker from the OurWalmart campaign.

    There will be pizza and soda at 6:30 and the meeting will start at 7.

    (The Facebook event lists the time and location as Monday, November 10 at 6:30pm – 8:45pm, Thomas Crane Public Library 40 Washington St, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.)

    Sunday Nov 9 Flood Boston Meeting at 4pm at E5


    Hi Friends,

    You are invited to the next meeting of the Boston Climate Direct Action Network (also known as Flood Boston) is this Sunday the 9th at 4PM at Encuentro 5, 9 Hamilton Pl, Suite 2A, Boston. The goals of this meeting are to work towards a spokes council of affinity groups and start figuring out actions we want to pursue. Hope you can come and please invite others in your networks

    As part of a beautiful group of folks who worked together at the Flood Wall Street action in NYC the day following the People’s Climate March, we are trying to facilitate a climate direct action network around boston.

    The aim is to bring together some of the different folks who have participated in actions (XL Dissent, KXL pledge, Brayton Point, Salem, transcanada, pipelines, statehouse actions, state and university divestment) and who might want to participate in more. We are also trying to reach folks who may not have participated in direct action but who would like to (and there are many many non-arrestable roles and non-civil disobedience actions we could take). We all know we have tremendous power in Boston. We hope to work with others to create a culture of empowerment, where folks are able and encouraged to step up, plan, and carry out empowering, effective, and principled actions. We believe in the power of decentralized but coordinated actions, so that’s what we’re trying to facilitate.

    For those who know any of the social movement literature we are trying to take lessons from frances fox pivens work and disrupt business as usual. To do that, we need real relationships, working towards the beloved community, but not an insular group of friends. If this interests you in the least, PLEASE try to come. If you can’t, PLEASE get in touch!

    Feel free to be in touch with me if you would like to learn more or get on our contact list! And if you can, show up this Sunday!

    <3 Bobby

    EMERGENCY PROTEST: Boston vigil to save the Internet


    WHAT: Emergency protest and vigil to save net neutrality, the principle that protects free speech on the Internet.

    WHEN: Thursday, November 6th, 6pm

    WHERE: Gather in front of the MA State House near Boston Common.

    BRING: A cell phone, flashlight, glowstick, or candle, to shine light on the corruption unfolding in our government.

    WHY NOW? Read on.

    National call to action:

    The Wall Street Journal just reported on a leaked proposal that confirms our worst fears despite receiving nearly 4 million public comments calling for strong net neutrality, the FCC is still hurtling toward a FAKE proposal that leaves the door wide open for Cable company censorship and abuse of the Internet.

    We need a massive response RIGHT NOW to show President Obama, the FCC, and the world that the Internet will accept nothing less than lasting net neutrality through Title II reclassification.

    On November 6th, we will gather at the White House and government buildings nationwide and hold our cell phones, candles, and flashlights up to shine light on the corruption that is unfolding in Washington, DC, and demand a free and uncensored Internet for all.

    Sponsored by Fight For The Future and the Massachusetts Pirate Party

    Contact with questions.

    Rally for Peace in Iraq & Syria – Nov 15th

    (from Michael B)

    When: Saturday, November 15, 2014, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
    Where: Park Street MBTA Station * Park St & Tremont St * Boston

    Rally and march to Downtown Crossing with a mock drone and die-in.

    • No more military intervention in Iraq and Syria
    • Bring the troops home now
    • Stop sending weapons into the region which are leading to so much bloodshed
    • Support humanitarian aid, through neutral institutions, for victims of the conflict
    • Support self-determination and the demilitarization of the area

    Our leaders promise us that these new wars will last for years. But over the past 13 years, this country has spent one trillion, five hundred billion dollars for wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and other parts of the Middle East and South Asia. These military actions have brought hundreds of thousands of deaths, but neither peace nor security. Meanwhile, these hundreds of billions of dollars could have been used instead to provide for jobs and human needs.

    The current campaign to sell this war has everything to do with securing the control of the area by repressive governments and sectarian militias allied with Washington. The current bombing campaign is a violation of the U.N. Charter and the U.S. constitution. In its sweep through Syria and Iraq, ISIS is using modern U.S. weapons that were sent into the region during previous military actions in order to stabilize a corrupt and brutal regime in Baghdad and to overthrow Syria’s government.

    Is bombing an answer to these sectarian conflicts? Do these actions reflect the interests of most people in the U.S. or the peoples of the Middle East? We should not get further involved militarily in this campaign in support of a sectarian conflict in the Middle East that the war in Iraq set off. Rather, we should be supporting a policy of non-intervention and self-determination. Any real and lasting solution to the problems in the region must come from the peoples of that region themselves, not from the Pentagon.

    Call Congress at (202) 224-3121 and say: “I want Congress to reconvene immediately to fully debate a new “Authorization for Use of Military Force” (AUMF) that deals with Syria, Iraq, and ISIS. And when the vote comes, I want you to vote no.”

    For more info or to help organize: United for Justice with Peace, 617-383-4857,

    Bringing Flood Wall Street to Boston

    (from act-ma)

    As part of a beautiful group of folks who worked together at the Flood Wall Street event in NYC the day following the People’s Climate March, we are trying to facilitate a climate direct action network around boston. We have two events planned, with the aim is to bring together some of the different folks who have participated in past actions (XL Dissent, KXL pledge, Brayton Point, Salem, transcanada, pipelines) and who might want to participate in more. We are also trying to reach folks who may not have participated in direct action but who would like to (and there are many many non-arrestable roles and non-civil disobedience actions we could take). We all know we have tremendous power in Boston. We hope to work with others to create a culture of empowerment, where folks are empowered to step up, plan, and carry out empowering, effective, and principled actions. We believe in the power of decentralized but coordinated actions, so here’s to getting that going locally, and to seeing you all!

    Sunday Oct. 19th, 1:00-3:30PM, MIT building 56 room 154. facebook:

    Wed. Oct. 22 6:30-9:00 PM, Lucy Parsons Center, 358A Centre St., Boston. facebook:

    Contact us

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