Brutal Arrest at Bank of America on International Womens Day [NY]
Protests to showcase how women are hurt by banks such as Bank of America and that these banks need to be “busted” up took place all over the country yesterday as part of IWD observances by individuals from several groups such as Women Occupy and The Rain Forest Action Network.
In New York, three protesters inside a Bank of America branch left when they were asked to leave. Just after they emerged from the bank, one of the protesters, Rae Abileah of Codepink, was grabbed by NYPD officers, and had her arm steadily twisted in a force-to the-ground police tactic. She repeatedly stated that she was not resisting arrest and that she has wrist and spine injuries and would they please not hurt her.
What was the point of the Occupy AIPAC meeting? “AIPAC has a dangerous stranglehold over U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East,” said the meeting’s organizers. “AIPAC’s unrelenting support for the illegal policies of the Israeli government- separation walls, settlements, the siege of Gaza-in addition to its bellicose policies across the region, especially Iran, has been devastating for Palestinians and the Middle East, including Israel. It also harms our reputation around the world and squanders $3 billion a year subsidizing the powerful Israeli military when we need that money to rebuild the United States.”
Opinion: We are in the golden age of social activism
From the get-go, golden-agers who are 65, 75 and older have been a visible and valuable presence. Many are totally new to the arena of social activism. They are emerging from their culture of isolation from inside senior citizen communities, wherein their voices are muted, and where mingling with other age groups is nigh impossible.
Working for both liberal and conservative causes, they are making their presence known in the maelstrom of social action. They are occupying parks and marching in the streets. They have a vast treasure of accumulated knowledge, wisdom and experience to share.
OWS seems especially positioned to take advantage of this trend because of its leaderless structure and because its General Assemblies are open to any and all. It can also inspire individuals to create new local civic action programs independently of OWS._Consider some examples of senior involvement.
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