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    Another world is possible
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    Henri Postpones Occupy Boston Picnic/DayCamp until Sunday August 29th.

    Occupy Boston is Postponing its Picnic/DayCamp for this Sunday, August 22, 2021. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Henri is on its way up the East Coast and is pretty much on track to reach Boston on Sunday according to forecasts at the moment. It’s been about 30 years since Boston has faced the direct impact of such a storm. Henri is currently sustaining 65mph winds and will bring heavy rain and flooding to the region, and is expected to reach Category 1 Hurricane status before making landfall in Boston.

    We ask that you review your family’s emergency plan, now before the emergency. Review how to contact one another, and who to contact if there is an emergency in your home, and where you will go. Make sure that you have candles, batteries and fresh water. Fill bathtub with water if needed. Fill up your auto’s fuel tank and make sure you have fuel for generators. Review insurance policies in the event of damage. Secure all outdoor things, so they don’t become projectiles. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    Weather permitting we will continue the Picnic/DayCamp next weekend, on Sunday, August 29th, 2021 in Dewey Square. At next weekends Picnic/DayCamp we are starting an Open Mic for musicians and speakers. Each of the Sunday Picnic/ DayCamp’s is a Potluck Picnic, and we are asking that people bring processed packaged foods that we can share and hand out to those that are hungry. Everyone is Welcome. Bring Food, Bring Signs, Bring Drums, Bring Friends, Bring Love.

    A Homecoming at Dewey!

    This weekend will mark the first Occupy Boston Activities in a long while. Sunday, August 15th, Occupy Boston is having a Picnic/DayCamp that begins at 12PM ET and will continue every Sunday through September 30th, the 10th Anniversary of Occupy Boston.

    Planning has been underway for the 10th Anniversary which is taking place September 30th. The Occupy Boston members planning, decided to get boots on the ground ASAP and wanted to do something creating positive social change in the process of getting reacquainted with our comrades, allies and Dewey Square. Planning has also begun at Occupy Wall Street and Occupy LA and a few others. There is a massive GA that Occupy Wall Street is planning on September 17th, the 10th Anniversary of OWS in Zuccotti Park. Occupy Boston and other Occupy’s will hold a GA at the same time. Occupy Boston will also hold another GA on September 30th where we will plan our next steps.

    We INVITE EVERYONE to come out to Dewey Square and Join Us this Sunday August 15th, 2021. This is just the begining of what will hopefully usher in changes we’ve all so long waited for. If you’re tired of waiting and are ready to do something, come on down to Dewey this Sunday at 12 noon. Yes, we are getting the band back together! We’re reorganizing Working Groups Now.

    The Sunday Picnic/DayCamp is a community driven event that will hopefully bring together community resources to help those in need. The Food portion of the event is ‘Potluck’, and we ask that people bring food and help us make sure everyone is fed! As the weeks go, more speakers, musicians, artists, organization spotlights and additional Actions will be added to the days events.

    If you are reading this, you know a better world is possible. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. Join Us!


    Occupy Boston 2021

    Yes! We have gotten the band back together so to speak! We have been meeting since April and began in-person events in August. We Occupied Faneuil Hall on S17. We plan to Occupy Faneuil Hall for the weekend of September 30th for Occupy Boston’s 10th Anniversary and plan to continue the fight to Change The Name. We will hold our first General Assembly in many years. What happens beyond S30 will be discussed at the General Assembly.

    Everyone is Welcome, whether you were there in 2011 or not! We are the 99% and plan on exercising direct democracy. A better world is still possible if we work together, which means groups and organizations, faith-based groups and unions and most importantly people. Together we touch every part of our society. Below you will find the current Occupy Boston Calendar of Events and links to the corresponding event pages.

    Occupy Boston Calendar

    Needs of Occupy Boston

    • Tables
    • Prepared/Packaged foods to distribute.
    • Pizza’s, and other ez foods. Remember Veg and Vegan friends.
    • Bottled Water
    • Masks
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Musicians
    • Signs- also markers and cardboard.
    • Charging Devices.
    • Soundsystem/ mobile PA
    • Socks
    • Can Be Dropped Off at S30 Event. Thurs. & Friday Night.

    Occupy Everywhere

    SEP 9 AT 4 PM PDT – SEP 12 AT 5 PM PDT Steal This City: NYC Occupations on Film Community Gardens of the Lower East Side



    We Want Democracy (Occupy Wall Street 10th Anniversary) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 AT 5 PM EDT Free · Thomas Paine Plaza Philadelphia PA

    Remember and Honoring Occupiers we have lost since 2011 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 AT 5:30 PM EDT – 6:30 PM EDT

    Occupy Wall Street’s Global General Assembly FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 AT 7 PM EDT – 8:30 PM EDT

    ALL DAY ALL WEEK: An Occupy Wall Street Story Fri Sep 17th 7:30pm – 9:00pm Event SCREENING: Washington Square Park

    Occupy Los Angeles 10th Anniversary Friday, 9/17 6:00 p.m. General Assembly Los Angeles City Hall (South Steps)

    Care Assembly: OWS Anniversary Edition Sat Sep 18th 1:00pm – 7:00pm Event*Social*Music Fort Greene Park, Dekalb Ave & S Portland Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA

    September 18th 2021 -#OWS 10 Year Anniversary Art Show-Free · St John’s In The Village SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2021 AT 7:30 PM EDT – 10:15 PM EDT

    Occupy Los Angeles 10th Anniversary Sat. 9/18 noon-? Rally, Music, Direct Action. Los Angeles City Hall (South Steps)-S30 –

    Occupy Boston 10yr Anniversary THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 AT 5 PM EDT – 9 PM EDT

    We are Back! Allies: Stand with Boston’s Hospitality Workers for Every Job Back!

    ·Thursday July 28th 2021 AT 5:45 PM EDT

    · Boston Park Plaza

    After a hard year working together to get through this unprecedented crisis, WE ARE BACK! UNITE HERE Local 26 knows that the hospitality industry has been one of the hardest-hit industries through the COVID-19 pandemic. But the understaffing and unique procedures conducted during the pandemic are just that, uniquely for the pandemic and temporary.We are back and we are fighting for every job and every new contract. Please join us in the streets to stand with the hard-working hospitality workers of Boston.

    City Life/Vida Urbana Needs Help

    168 Gove stand out ZBA vote | 168 Gove ACCIÓN solidario durante voto de la junta de zonificación

    Event by City Life/Vida Urbana

    TUESDAY AT 12 PM EDT – 168 Gove St, East Boston, MA 02128-3133, United States

    The courageous East Boston immigrant families at 168 Gove St. need and deserve our support in fighting off a developer’s plans to convert their homes into luxury housing. Luxury projects drive up rent and real estate taxes in the area and displace tenants and homeowners struggling to recover financially and emotionally from the COVID19 pandemic. Join us this Tuesday from 12pm-1pm support the multi-generational, Central American families at 168 Gove St. during the ZBA vote this Tuesday about the fate of their building. They’re calling for stable housing, not more gentrification and displacement!We will honor the fight of the tenant association and its families with solidarity and stand out on the greenway down Gove street (a 30 second walk from 168 Gove). Before Tuesday we NEED you to send comments to the Zoning Board of Appeal REJECTING Dalfior Development’s current luxury housing plan for 168 Gove Street. Let’s keep East Boston a working class neighborhood. There’s no reason why 40% of the city’s housing development is happening SOLELY in East Boston, especially when most of it is far too expensive for the families that live there now.Send your ZBA letters opposing the luxury development project at 168 Gove street since it will put 3 immigrant families at risk of future no fault evictions. Send ZBA comment here: to bring to Solidarity Stand Out
    *Masks (please wear a mask for the safety of everyone at the event)
    *Hand sanitizer
    *Your resistance!!!
    Las valientes familias inmigrantes de East Boston del 168 de la calle Gove necesitan y merecen nuestro apoyo para luchar para que la ciudad rechacen sus planes de un inversionista para convertir su casa en viviendas de lujo. Los proyectos de lujo tienen el efecto de aumentar los alquileres y los impuestos de dueños de casas en la zona y desplazan a los inquilinos y propietarios que luchan por recuperarse financieramente y emocionalmente de las dificultades causado por la pandemia del COVID19. Acompáñanos este martes a las 12pm para apoyar a las familias centroamericanas multigeneracionales del 168 de la calle Gove durante la votación de la ZBA este martes sobre el destino de su edificio. Piden una vivienda estable, no más gentrificación y desplazamiento.Honraremos la lucha de la asociación de inquilinos y sus familias con una solidarización durante el voto de la junta de zonificación para decidir sobre 168 gove, nos vamos a reunir en el paseo verde que tiene la entrada . Antes del martes NECESITAMOS que envíes comentarios a la Junta de Apelación de Zonificación RECHAZANDO el actual plan de viviendas de lujo de Dalfior Development para 168 Gove Street. Mantengamos a East Boston como un barrio de clase trabajadora. No hay razón para que el 40% del desarrollo de la vivienda de la ciudad esté ocurriendo SOLO en East Boston, especialmente cuando la mayoría de estos proyectos son demasiado caras para las familias que viven allí ahora.Envíe sus cartas a la ZBA oponiéndose al proyecto de desarrollo de lujo en el 168 de la calle Gove, ya que pondrá a 3 familias inmigrantes en riesgo de futuros desalojos sin culpa. Envíe su comentario de la ZBA aquí:Qué llevar a la vigilía
    *Máscaras (por favor, use una máscara para la seguridad de todos en el evento)
    *Desinfectante de manos
    *¡¡Tu resistencia!!!

    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston