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    FREE SCREENING: ‘End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock’

    A new documentary, ‘End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock’, will be presented at the weekly ‘Bright Lights Film Series’ sponsored by the Emerson VMA Department and co-presented by Boston Women’s Film Festival, the Roxbury International Film Festival, the Living on Earth Podcast and SEIU Local 888.

    The documentary will be available to watch for FREE 7:00 PM EST Wednesday until Thursday at 7:00 PM EST.  Link to register for screening HERE. Link to participate in Zoom Webinar discussion on Thursday at 7:00 PM EST HERE.

    The documentary centers on “a group of indigenous women risk their lives to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which jeopardizes their land, water and entire way of life. Despite the desecration of their ancient burial and prayer sites, violent confrontations, and limited resources, these women refuse to back down. Calls for change reverberate nationally as the women of Standing Rock lead a tireless effort to defend their right to clean water and rich heritage. Discussion with director Shannon Kring and activist Pearl Daniel-Means to follow. POC, W, SJ (gender and sexuality, racial, environmental and economic justice)” -Emerson Website.

    Occupy Providence and Occupy Hartford 10th Anniversaries

    This weekend Occupy Hartford and Occupy Providence will celebrate their 10th Anniversaries. It’s been ten years since Occupy Wall Street answered the call from Adbusters and thousands flooded Zuccotti Park in New York City on September 17th, 2011. Celebrations, Protests and Gatherings are taking place across the country marking the anniversaries of the individual occupy’s.

    We in Boston are proud to have been involved in a moment in time and space where anything seemed possible. When so many different groups gathered based on common economic oppression. It is with deep admiration, respect and solidarity for all Occupies and Occupiers across the globe, as well as the many organizations that have been, and are supportive of our efforts that we say Thank You, and Happy 10th Anniversary!

    Occupy Providence

    Occupy Providence’s 10th Anniversary is taking place Saturday October 16th, 1PM at Burnside Park (People’s Park), 2 Kennedy Plaza, Providence RI. Here is a link to their fb event page. Occupy Providence: 10 Year Anniversary

    They write: “Coming back together,
    10 years after Occupy, and remembering those we’ve lost.
    Some will arrive bringing a cause, and some will leave with more to do than they started with. At the 10th anniversary of Occupy Providence, we are coming back together in the park. It will be great to see everyone again. Moderated open mic.
    We’ll be memorializing and celebrating the lives of those we have lost. In the spirit of Occupy, we want to hear about more causes—take a few moments to talk about a cause that matters to you, if you like, so we can all learn about things we can do.Some of us will bring food or drink. You might want to consider bringing a bag lunch for yourself and one or two for others. Please bring instruments or implements, such as drums and buckets, for a drum circle.”

    Occupy Hartford

    Occupy Hartford’s 10th Anniversary is taking place Sunday October 17th, 1PM at Occupy Hartford / Turning Point Park, Farmington/Asylum Ave., Hartford, CT. Here is a link to their fb event page. Occupy Hartford 10th Anniversary Reunion

    They write: “It’s now been 10 years since Occupy Hartford set up at Turning Point Park. So spend the afternoon of Oct 17th meeting up with old friends for the occasion.”

    Occupy Hartford had actions in 2014 centering around Sexual Violence, Monsanto and May Day. An action against War with Iran in 2020 and an action with Food Not Bombs in 2017.

    S30: a retrospect

    We set out to celebrate our 10th Anniversary, not just patting each other on the back saying weren’t we great 10 years ago. We wanted to do something that would also affect a positive change in the community. Shining light on the need to change the name of Faneuil Hall, or at the least letting the people decide instead of Marty Walsh. We also wanted to bridge some divides in our own community. Overall we were successful.

    BPD brought the cavalry, with helicopters and all. They not only brought hundreds of police officers, but had bike cops in reserve behind Quincy Market, a contingent of Park Rangers nearby and all parcels of the Greenway well guarded. Maybe they were feeling a little nostalgic as well. We have to compliment them on their effort to present a diverse front. We saw more female and POC police officers that day than we thought were on the force. Although they would not allow anyone to stay the night, and the public was prevented full use of the park, police did not harass anyone and were generally pretty friendly. We even saw one of them dancing when Keytar Bear was playing.

    Nobody was hurt, there were no arrests, nothing was damaged. There were two tickets given. One for an inspection sticker and the other a parking ticket. We gave food and bottled water to many and were able to outreach to more. We had entertainment from Keytar Bear, BABAM and Eddie Emerson. And we had a Great Time!

    We appreciate the participation of Boston Police, they helped shine a brighter light on the issue of Changing The Name of Faneuil Hall. No matter how many people might have shown up at Faneuil Hall, or spent the night there, it just wouldn’t have had the same impact without them.

    We also appreciate the help of Kevin Peterson and New Democracy Coalition, Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Peace Action and Boston Mayday Coalition. There were also quite a few individuals who did all kinds of things to help make this happen.

    We Thank All who attended and participated. It’s the idea that a better world is possible that allows us to gather to make positive social change and to heal our communities.

    S30 – Occupy Boston 10yr Anniversary/ Change The Name!

    For Immediate Release

    Medgar Evers famously said “You can kill a man, but you can’t kill an idea.”, 10 years ago we projected this on walls everywhere. “By 9 October 2011, Occupy protests had taken place or were ongoing in over 951 cities across 82 countries, and in over 600 communities in the United States”(wiki). That idea is still very much alive as you are reading this. We are planning to Occupy Faneuil Hall on September 30th. If you are an OB ‘OG’, you’re invited! If you weren’t at Occupy Boston in 2011, you’re invited! Everyone is INVITED!

    While we celebrate our past, we have opportunity, maybe even a responsibility to make a better future. To put our knowledge, our tools, our love, and solidarity to work for the common good.
    We’ve been through dark times, and if you are reading this, perhaps you too see that little speck of light in the distance as we do. We Can Rise Together! Join Us on S30 at Faneuil Hall! 🙂

    Faneuil Hall is the 7th most visited tourist site in the world, that’s like 18,000,000 visitors per year. It is a 279-year-old market and meeting place once owned by Peter Fanieul, a slave trader. This tourist site was the Auction Block.

    Long ago the property was given to the city of Boston and was named after Peter Faneuil. Today it is described as America’s first mall to tourists, they don’t know that human beings were sold there. Of the 143 businesses housed there, zero are owned by POC according to Kevin Peterson. Bostons previous mayor Marty Walsh refused to even allow a hearing on changing the name of Faneuil Hall. With a mayoral election on the horizon, 51% of Massachusetts voters support a name change. It’s Time!

    Occupy Boston will be occupying Faneuil Hall with The New Democracy Coalition, Boston May Day Coalition, Massachusetts Peace Action, Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts and other advocates on September 30th at 5PM to shine light on the need to change the name of Faneuil Hall. It’s Time!
    We will also be marking the 10th Anniversary of Occupy Boston in the most appropriate way. This will be a non-violent protest and will end on or before Sunday afternoon.

    Join FB events Here
    – September 30. 2021 – 5PM – Occupy Boston 10th Anniversary/ Change The Name

    S30 Event: Schedules subject to change.

    S30 Thursday
    5- Meet/Rally at Faneuil Hall/ Setup
    7- Music/Peoples Mic: Eddie Emerson +
    9 -Celebration
    — overnight —

    O1 Friday
    5- Rally
    6- Speakers/Music – incl. Domingos DaRosa, Kevin Peterson.
    8- General Assembly
    — overnight —

    We encourage people to take the appropriate health precautions to protect themselves while at the event.

    Needs of Occupy Boston: These can be brought directly to Faneuil Hall during the event.
    Prepared/Packaged foods to distribute.
    Pizza’s, and other ez foods. Remember Veg and Vegan friends.
    Bottled Water
    Hand Sanitizer
    Signs- also markers and cardboard.
    Charging Devices.
    Soundsystem/ mobile PA
    Can Be Dropped Off at S30 Event. Thurs. & Friday Night.

    **We also need some Volunteers to help with setup of canopies and tables, unloading of vehicles. Please meet at Faneuil Hall at 4PM.

    For more information, visit or email:

    Occupy Wall Street 10 Year Anniversary

    On September 17th several Occupy’s celebrated the 10th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. Ten years ago our movement swept the nation and the world. While we haven’t heard Occupy in the news so much over the past years, that doesn’t mean that occupiers weren’t busy. Occupiers were very busy, participating in Black Lives Matter, The Women’s March, Standing Rock and everything else that affects the 99%. Occupiers also ran for public office and won, started Non-Profits and companies of their own. Some homeless occupiers have even come to own their own homes. Though we have sadly lost some members from our ranks along the way, Occupy is still very much alive.

    Occupy Boston

    Occupy Boston gathered at Faneuil Hall in Boston on Friday afternoon to celebrate OWS’s anniversary as well as shining light on changing the name of Faneuil Hall, 7th most visited tourist site in the world and named after a slave trader. A small number of activists occupied Faneuil Hall for the night offering food, water, first aid and other assistance to those in distress in the overnight hours. Occupy Boston is planning to occupy Faneuil Hall again on September 30th the 10th anniversary of Occupy Boston.

    Occupy Los Angeles

    Occupy Los Angeles gathered at city hall to commemorate their 10 year anniversary on Friday. Lee Camp joined them to celebrate with a ‘batsignal’ stating ‘We Are The 99%’ projected on Los Angeles city hall. There were several speeches and you can see part of it below.

    Occupy Wall Street

    Occupy Wall Street gathered at about 11 am on Friday at Zuccotti Park. There were several speakers and a press conference. Things went pretty smoothly as far as we know.

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    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston