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    XRBOSTON/Car Free Boston World Car Free Day Rebel Ride Friday September 23rd Copley 5PM

    Extinction Rebellion and Car Free Boston have teamed up to hold an action Friday afternoon after-work at 5PM ET to celebrate World Car Free Day. They will be joining 50 countries and over 1,000 cities in imagining what a future without cars could be like.  “We need transformative change in mobility to safe, clean, quiet transportation that doesn’t destroy our biosphere.”*

    “The event will start in Copley Square and travel around 10 miles total and will finish in Dewey Square. We will meander at a slow pace (< 10 mph). Bring lights, music, costumes, flags and positive vibes. We will be taking a lane on open streets, with safety in numbers. If you have experience corking (marshaling) let us know.”*

    “Extinction Rebellion is a strictly non-violent movement, whose overall ambition is an international rebellion that helps humanity to turn quickly onto a course that is compatible with life on earth, and to build resilient communities in the face of ecological and societal crisis. We operate under the principles of Holacracy with a decentralized structure.”**

    Event Page on Facebook

    ** Extinction Rebellion Website

    In Discussing Putin

    By: Deborah Sirotkin Butler

    In discussing Putin, I make clear that I agree with former General Smedley Butler who wrote the book War is a Racket. Too often our own country used its armies in support of plutocrats. That being said, what the Nazis did when ruled by Hitler and the fascist Nazi ideology was fundamentally genocidal – which is also true as to treatment of Native Americans on the North and South American continents.
    As Putin’s War shows, there is enough of the dark desire for power and supremacy in the human heart that “never again” will take vigilance and determination.
    Putin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and raining of bombs and shells on civilians, hospitals, schools and apartment buildings proves that point, as do the mass abductions of women and children reported.
    What then? By prayer, fasting, transfer of war materials, and possibly boots on the ground this COULD be a time to draw the line. To say barbarism and genocide and treating others as sub human stops here.
    Putin, by his massive miscalculations and hubris has made the declaration of “this stops here.” …something being considered by many. His jealous hatred of what Ukraine, in its metanoeo was becoming, is so evident.
    Another more trained than I wrote:
    “To win at war, the military leader Sun Yat-sen said there were three things you must own: knowledge of the region, the people, and the situation on the ground.
    Putin has failed magnificently at all three, thinking NATO and the USA would be weak, that Ukrainians would flee in the face of the Russian army, or welcome them in as brothers upon entry.”
    YES. Putin misjudged the region, the people, and the responses from neighbors and in fact entire national populations. Putin is seen as a Hitlereque villain by what appear to be billions of people. So much so that even what is good from Russian culture such as its great musicians may be shunned as reeking of Putin!
    Will Putin multiply this odious result by being the second country to use nuclear weapons? Let us not forget that to our shame, the USA did this first.
    The way to honor for Putin is not through more war crimes. The true way to honor is heroic metanoeo – some might call this heroic repentance, and rather than behaving like a cornered rat, to be the one to heroically step back from the brink.
    As for the allegation of “Nazis”, sadly every country has Nazis. The USA has them, Russia has them, everywhere. These are the people who see other human beings as chattels, inferior, and subhuman. To me, currently, Putin’s behavior towards Ukraine and other Eastern Europeans is that of a Nazi.
    Really, the best thing I can do now us to call Putin to repentance to save his soul and the lives of many people and just hope that somehow he hears my words.
    Maybe #DmitriMedvedev will tell him. Chubais left and will not.

    Protest Monday December 27th 2021 FREE ANTUAN! Court Support in Fall River

    Press Release

    Protest Monday December 27th 2021 FREE ANTUAN! Court Support in Fall River

    Monday December 27th 2021 @ 9AM – Fall River District Court: 186 S Main St, Fall River, MA

    Come and Support Antuan Castro del Rio at his hearing to have all charges dismissed on Monday in Fall River. He was arrested on several charges at a protest on October 18th in Fall River after objecting to another protestors arrest. He and a group of activists were counterprotesting a Blue Lives Matter, pro-Trump rally held outside city police headquarters at 685 Pleasant Street in Fall River, MA.
    His statement from the facebook event page follows, here is a link to it . Mr Castro del Rio can be reached by media for comment at

    from Antuan

    Antuan’s statement from facebook Event page – ” The prosecution of Antuan Castro del Rio is a clear example of a Black Lives Matter activist being targeted and jailed by local law enforcement for the crime of protesting. On October 18, 2020, a young Latino activist, Antuan Castro del Rio, was protesting police violence and racism in front of the Fall River police station with a group of Black Lives Matter protesters. The action was a counter protest to supporters of Donald Trump who want arbitrary racist repression directed against Black folks to continue. As usual, the police on the scene saw it as their duty to serve as supporters of the ultra-rightist movement and to victimize supporters of racial justice. An officer on the scene reported that he was “directed to monitor the crowd of BLM/Anti-Police protesters.” And as one might expect, BLM protester Matthew Scott was arrested for doing absolutely nothing! Then Antuan was arrested while objecting to Matthew’s arrest. Antuan was then thrown up against a police car while holding his megaphone and cuffed by police. He was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and vandalizing a police car! His real “crime” was defending free speech and opposing the growth of a fascist movement in this country… The only assaults occurring at the scene that day were carried out by the Fall River police. After his arrest, Antuan was also cited for driving on a suspended license– a totally bogus false charge! What is playing out in Fall River is a familiar pattern. Police coddling fascists and ultra-rightists while jailing supporters of working people and the oppressed. These developments have been playing out in Massachusetts and in states across the country. This case is unfolding in the context of a deep social crisis. The death toll in the US from the coronavirus has far surpassed the total number of US deaths from World War I, World War II, the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined. The depth of this crisis was underscored when fascist lackeys of Trump and Wall Street took over the Capitol in an effort to steal and overturn the election. Fascists have been getting a wider hearing in recent years, have been acting more boldly, and enjoy a high degree of impunity. The ultra-rightist movement seeks to counter the gains of the antiracist movement, vaccination movement, unions, and mobilizations defending women, LGBT folks, migrants, etc. They seek over time to smash the unions, steal elections, and eliminate the right of working people and the oppressed to organize independently. Antuan’s case was yet another prelude to the attempted putsch carried out by the fascist mob at the Capitol on January 6. At the Capitol, a phalanx of police officers defended the building, but were under orders to hold back on the riot response. Imagine if supporters of racial justice, working people, and the oppressed had stormed the Capitol on January 6? The top brass of the security apparatus would have insured that they would have never gotten inside. So little attention has been given to fascist elements occupying leadership responsibilities in the security apparatus! From experiences unfolding, many folks are coming to understand that the police are often fascists in uniform and cannot be relied upon to defend our rights. The case of Antuan Castro del Rio is another example of the police trying to frame up an innocent Latino man for a victimless crime while exercising his free speech rights. It demonstrates yet again the impunity enjoyed by police and ultra-rightists. Let’s unite in solidarity! “

    Occupy Boston Radio / Activate Radio – at 10

    By Patrick Wilson

    Last week was the 10th anniversary of when the radio station began broadcasting. It’s hard to believe that 10 years have passed since this endeavor began. The idea started a little over 10 years ago in the Dewey Square encampment of Occupy Boston. There were several groups of people working on similar projects joining forces to become Occupy Boston Radio, which began broadcasting over the internet on December 10th, 2011. This is also the morning after Occupy Boston was evicted from Dewey Square. The Radio Working Group met at E5 in Chinatown then by the Orpheum. Activate Radio and Activate Media were created in 2013 to serve a larger audience. 

    When we started much effort was put into a studio, several in fact. We did not have the funding to support a physical location, and this is where the money allocated to the radio station by Occupy Boston went. 

    Running everything remotely has proven to be a good move as we’ve all adapted to some form of remoteness during the epidemic. It has also reduced operating costs to a sustainable level. This has allowed us to operate under the ideals of Occupy Boston for 10 years. 

    We currently broadcast about 20 shows a week. Our listenership varies from 5 to 600+ depending on subject matter and promotion, and comes from all over the planet. The station and the shows are produced by and represent a diverse group of marginalized peoples. We do not charge the shows for airtime. 

    Of the 20 shows, two of them have been broadcast since the beginnings of the station as Occupy Boston Radio, Veterans For Peace and The Occupied Nation Show. We are always looking for new shows, especially ones produced locally here in Boston. 

    The radio station plays a mix of submitted and Creative Commons music with the aim of becoming all submitted music. The process for this at the moment is a little clunky and could use some streamlining. 

    As far as the programming goes, we have 1/2hour and 1hour shows from 6-10p and 12-5a mon-fri and 9-12 Sunday mornings. We have slots at the top of the hour through the broadcasting day with the exception of 6-10p and weekends for locally produced news. Where other radio stations play commercials, we place PSA’s, announcements of local events, announcements of our show schedule, station id’s and information of public interest. We are a non-commercial radio station. 

    We are not a non-profit organization. As much as we’d like to be, we have never held enough money to be able to become a c3 or c4. We’ve only ever raised the funding needed for direct expenses of the radio station. The web hosting is donated by Left-Click. I cover the stream hosting and all other related expenses currently. 

    It’s been a lot of work, sometimes overwhelmingly so. The whole thing has been rebuilt several times. We’ve changed hosts for the website once and the radio streaming host several times. 

    10 years later, I’m all about it. I think it represents its intended purposes and has the ability to do a lot more. The only limitation is really in how many people would like to participate. 🙂Happy Birthday Occupy Boston Radio/ Activate Radio Activate Media

    You can listen to the radio station at

    Current Show Schedule

    Democracy Now!        6 pm eastern Monday – Friday

    The Occupied Nation Show    7 pm eastern Mondays

    CrimethInc    9 pm eastern Mondays

    Classic Free School University  7 pm eastern Tuesdays

    Talk World Radio       8 pm eastern  Tuesdays

    Alternative Radio        9 pm eastern Tuesdays

    The Peoples History of Money    10 pm eastern Tuesdays

    51%                                    7 pm eastern Wednesdays

    Nuclear Hotseat           8 pm eastern Wednesdays

    The Wendy Love Edge Show    9 pm eastern Wednesdays

    Economic Update         7 pm eastern Thursdays

    The Final Straw Radio       8 pm eastern Thursdays

    Rev Billy Radio    9 pm eastern Thursdays

    Radio EcoShock          7 pm eastern Fridays

    Non-Visual Radio                        8 pm eastern Fridays

    The Big Picture w/ Melvin Syrie Jr.    9 pm eastern Fridays

    The Library                  12 midnight eastern Saturdays

    Around the Table with Powerful Women  9 am eastern  Sundays

    Veterans for Peace Radio Show   10 am eastern Sundays

    Interfaith Voices          11 am eastern Sundays

    Latenight on Activate Radio M-F
    12- Democracy Now
    1- Nuclear Hotseat
    2- Occupied Nation
    3- Economic Update
    4- 51%

    All times Eastern

    You can listen to the radio station at

    ‘2020: The Dumpster Fire’ Premieres in Boston on Friday, December 17th

    ‘2020: The Dumpster Fire’ Premieres in Boston on Friday, December 17th

    Local activist/ filmmaker Rod Webber will premiere his new film ‘2020: The Dumpster Fire’ in Boston on Friday, December 17th at the Capital Theater in Arlington, MA. The film follows Webber on the 2020 campaign trail and features him trolling many candidates, from both parties. Lot’s of humor, with a serious message. The basic information from the fb event page is below and includes a link to buy tickets. 

    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2021 AT 7 PM

    2020: The Dumpster Fire | Boston Premiere

    Capitol Theater Building



    The film follows artist/ film director, Rod Webber, and his satirical presidential campaign and the tumultuous protests of 2020. Webber trolls Republicans and Democrats alike, earning him praise, and similarly hilarious condemnations of being “Satanic Antifa” by wackos like Alex Jones. Webber trolls the internet too when he scrawls “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” on the viral-video Duct-Tape-Banana-Wall, resulting in his arrest, a warrant for a second arrest and a series of high-profile print articles.

    When civil unrest breaks out in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, Webber, (a supporter of BLM), switches gears, conducting serious interviews, and is one of the first on the scene documenting Minneapolis as it burned. Traveling to Portland, Seattle and Washington DC, Webber dodges rubber bullets, tear-gas canisters, and live ammunition to give the viewer a front row seat to one of the most tumultuous series of protests in US history.Ultimately, in the final stretch of the election, Webber finds himself at a Mike Pence rally, where he confronts the Vice President face to face. Throughout the film, Webber serves as his own attorney in court proceedings against The Trump Campaign and The Manchester NH Police, ultimately winning a combined settlement of $35,000 between the two.The film includes interviews with Noam Chomsky, Jello Biafra, Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Michael Moore and many of the 2020 candidates.

    Link to fb event page –

    Source: ‘2020: The Dumpster Fire’ Premieres in Boston on Friday December 17th – Activate Media

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