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    OB Joins With National Lawyers Guild in Congratulating the Legal Working Group

    The following proposal, brought by Kendra Moyer on her own behalf and on that of Urszula Mazny-Latos, was passed by the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 19, 2012:

    The National Lawyers Guild Annual Guild Gala is a fundraiser that brings in a large portion of their annual budget. This year the NLG is honoring the Occupy Boston Legal Working Group  and the NLG Mass Defense Committee with the Legal Worker Award. As part of their fundraiser they sell ads in their gala program book that are messages to the honorees. I am proposing that Occupy Boston send a message of congratulations on a quarter page of the program for a donation of $250.00. The donation goes to the work that NLG does fighting for civil rights and social justice, including the defense fund. I am working for NLG at a 15% commission for funds raised. Any amount raised by me for the NLG Annual Guild Gala fundraiser will be returned to the Occupy Boston General Fund.

    General Assembly to Move Back Outside

    The following proposal passed the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 17, 2012:

    Facilitation Working Group proposes the following changes to the current General Assembly schedule:

    • Tuesdays: We propose that, effective May 1st, all Tuesday GAs be held outside. We propose the Boston Common as a temporary location with the idea that location may change in the future. We will give Arlington Street Church notice that our last night using ASC space will be April 24, 2012.
    • Thursdays: We have ended our relationship with Emmanuel Church and therefore propose that all Thursday GAs be held outside effective April 19, 2012, at the Boston Common as a temporary location with the idea that location may change in the future.
    • Saturday: We propose to continue to hold GA at Community Church of Boston on Saturdays in order to ensure that at least one GA per week is held indoors. FWG is in the process of asking CCB whether it would have space available on Tuesdays. If so we would ask the GA to decide whether that one GA indoors should be on Tuesday or Saturday.
    • Community Gatherings will remain on Mondays and effective May 14, 2012, will be held at CCB.

    This schedule is subject to review by the GA at any time.


    • GA will be canceled Tuesday, May 1st.
    • FWG will seek access to the web banner and text service to ensure that any change in GA location or time will be widely communicated.


    Donations Will Be Collected for Family of Fallen Occupy Boston Activist

    The General Assembly of Occupy Boston passed the following proposal on April 12, 2012:

    Propose to place a “we pay” donation button on the Occupy Boston website – all money will go to support the family of Andy.

    Occupy Boston Contributes Resources for General Strike Actions

    The following proposal was passed by the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 12, 2012:

    General Strike WG Funds Request for M1GS – 2012

    General Strike WG requests $1300 funds for the May 1, 2012 day of action.
    The full list of supplies needed will be on the OB website for crowd sourcing.
    Receipts will be provided for all expenditures.
    All unused funds will be returned to Occupy Boston.
    Donations boxes will be at OB May Day actions to raise funds for OB General Fund.
    The budget for food and water ($200) will be taken from the OB Food Budget.

    Food and water ($200)
    Medical Emergency ($200)
    3 portable PA systems ($350)
    Screen print supplies ($150)
    Fabric ($50)
    Spring clamps ($20)
    Duct tape ($5)
    Paint ($40)
    5 clamp lights ($50)
    face paint ($40)
    LED tea lights ($20)
    neon posterboard ($10)
    glow-in-the-dark paints ($40)
    6 blacklight bulbs ($25)
    Labels for stickers ($40)
    Sharpies/markers ($10)
    Parking ($50)

    Total = $1300


    General Assembly Tonight and Saturday at Camp Charlie

    The following proposal passed the General Assembly of Occupy Boston on April 7, 2012:

    Have GA at Camp Charlie on Thursday [April 12] and Saturday [April 14] at the usual time.

    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston