Occupy Boston protesters evicted from Statehouse steps in anticipation of Brazilian president’s visit
The Massachusetts State Police have asked approximately 40 Occupy protesters who were camped outside the State House to move on Monday night.
State Police asked the protesters to move at the behest of the US Secret Service and in the interest of tightened security for Tuesday’s visit of the Brazilian president to the State House.
On the Occupation which has taken up the Massachusettes State House steps
Cue the Occupation, with these already debt saddled and marginalized groups being, yet again, targeted and raked over the coals by those granted authority to do so, so that, once again, some of the largest and most ruthless banks in the world can collect, it begins to makes sense that the sleeping bags and pillows have come out, and this time, there are demands; namely, “No Hikes, No Cuts, No Layoffs!” as the rallying call, but further, and just as serious, “A fully -funded, sustainable, and affordable transportation plan that works for the entire 99% of Massachusetts.”
This is Massachusetts,… and as Grace Ross of the Green rainbow Party informed onlookers and activists on Saturday at a teach in at “Camp Charlie”, the name of the Occupy Encampment on the State House steps, we are the third riches state in the country, it isn’t that the money isn’t there, it is that we aren’t willing to go and get it from those who have it.
Occupy foreclosure stories in the media
In foreclosures, Occupy groups see a unifying cause
Interviews with Occupy activists in 11 states show groups from coast to coast have taken up foreclosure fights through rallies, home occupations and court appearances.
Matt Browner Hamlin of occupyourhomes.org, a national group focused on this cause, counts “more than 100 Occupy groups” that have taken direct action or formed foreclosure working groups.
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