The Occupy Boston Globe has surpassed the funding threshold of $8,000 on its Kickstarter project, enabling the fledgling newspaper of Occupy Boston to come out of cyberspace and into the streets.
The Occupy Boston Globe has been publishing as an online newspaper since early October, about 10 days after the Occupation started. But the denizens of Dewey Square themselves have so far been the least likely to see a copy, since funds for printing hard copy versions of the newspaper were not available.
Like everything else that has happened as a result of the movement, The Occupy Boston Globe grew organically when a loosely connected group of individuals decided to focus in on a project. Today’s free and easy Internet allowed the group to start providing an online edition almost right away. Then the aspiring publishers started a Kickstarter project to raise the funds they thought they would need to print both a daily and weekly edition, the latter to be distributed not just in camp, but across Boston.
Kickstarter is a popular funding platform for creative projects, where The Occupy Boston Globe spells out its mission:
A group of us within the Occupy Boston encampment saw a need to provide more detailed, objective coverage of the events unfolding not only here in Massachusetts but across the country. Traditional media sources have served to raise awareness of our movement, but have thus far been inadequate in reporting on us as a group and as a diverse collection of individuals from across the social and economic board. Access to clear, accurate information is necessary for a true democracy to function; this is exactly what we want to give.
The Occupy Boston Globe was founded with a two major goals in mind: to provide accurate, in-depth accounts of Occupy Boston (including the broader issues that affect our movement) and to provide practical information on the goings-on at Dewey Square on a day-to-day basis.
With the $8,000+ they’ve raised through Kickstarter, the publishers have what they need to print and distribute at least two or three editions of the hard copy paper. They haven’t yet settled on what printer they will use, and distribution is still a question mark too. They may need to rely on their own manpower (and any volunteer help they get) in order to distribute it to all of the neighborhoods of Boston they would like to cover. They are also offering home delivery via mail to those willing to donate $40 or more to the Kickstarter project.
Now that funding has been secured, the print editions could hit the streets as early as the end of next week. If the newspaper is successful, the publishers will need to find an ongoing source of funding to meet the demand. It will be interesting to see how this Occupy-style enterprise turns out.
Read The Occupy Boston Globe online: http://occupybostonglobe.com/
Kickstarter STILL OPEN until SAT. OCT 29, 11:50 AM EDT:
Write for The Occupy Boston Globe: http://occupybostonglobe.com/editorial-policy/