#OBRadio is On The Air! Producing & serving up top notch free/libre content. #occupy #occupyboston #ows #indymedia
OBradio needs your help!
We are in the process of changes, and need your assistance. OBradio is an internet radio station that was started 8 months ago by members of Occupy Boston in an effort to broadcast the voice of the 99 percent, broadcasting the injustices of the world, and sharing collective information on the struggles and success’ of the movement. In the past 8 months OBradio has gone from simply broadcasting on the spot interviews with occupiers from Dewey Square and General Assemblies, to producing 12 original show’s on a weekly basis.
The facility in which we broadcast from is called E5, or rather Encuentro Cinco. E5 houses 20+ organizations that are all oriented toward the advancement of liberties of all people. E5 was instrumental in providing a space for meetings, organization, educational conferences, and media development for Occupy Boston from the very beginning. OBRadio moved into E5 in February building out a studio from which we broadcast from today.
E5 recently was informed that it’s space at 33 harrison, in Chinatown, would no longer be available for it to rent, and as a result OBradio, and the rest of the organizations at E5 must move at the end of July 2012. E5 is in the process of acquiring another space that will accommodate the organizations that utilize the space at 33 Harrison.
- OBRadio is looking to raise a minimum of $1500 and a reach level of $3000 for this move, these funds will go towards our future rent (which e5 sorely needs for the transition) and the build-out for our next studio. We are asking for what you can spare, skip the coffee one day in our name, drive the long way around and give us the toll money, shop at the thrift store and give us the cash for that new shirt, do the pbr & ps3 on the couch and tip us instead. What can you spare? Even $5 adds up! DONATE! We ask, we cajole & we promise to keep kicking out FREE RADIO! DONATE!
- We are seeking 30 sustaining donors of $10 or more a month, in order to pay monthly expenses, broadcasting, internet, phone and services. Even the modest amount of $10 would help us in our operating costs and allow us to focus on our programming and outreach. DONATE!
- Want to help with fundraising but can’t spare the cash? We so understand that! Ways you can help us raise money!
- Host a house party! BBQ it up and pass the hat, every buck counts. And well it’s a party!
- Stick a donation jar at your desk at work. Discreet and okay with your boss. You’d be surprised.
- Help us make and sell some T-shirts. Everyone loves T-shirts!
- We could use some equipment for the new studio and the possible transition period. Could you possibly donate or lend us a mixer, microphone, mic stand or any other audio adapters and cords? (We love adapters!)
- We could also use:
- A few good hands (Moving and building out the new studio)
- Voices (Join the radio team)
- Problem Solvers (Become a producer and take on the most challenging job in radio! We dare you!)
- Tech Heads & Hackers (Yup folks who like to make programs sing, we want to use open source to our advantage, help us!!!)
- Writers (Tweet fab? blog better? Come write for us and help us show the world what we do!)
Thanks for your time and support, we are nothing without you!
Today’s Schedule
Check out our blog and stay tuned @ www.obr.fm!
11am (EST) Caulk the Wagon Join Robin Jacks as she sits down with guests from near and far to talk current Occupy and world events 1pm (EST)Democracy Now Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., 2pm (EST) The Aggregated Occupier Spend a little time with DJ Soulard as he runs down Occupy activities across the country 2:30pm (EST)
The Bridge: Arts for the 99% Linda Carmichael and Janet Gillispie take a look at art across the 99%. This week Lou Jones discusses his photo essay FINAL EXPOSURE: PORTRAITS FROM DEATH ROW
3:30pm (EST) Belly of the Beast Join Host Kendra as she talks Security Culture and CISPA. 7pm (EST) The Commonwelath Casino Patrick Keohan explores casinos and the power they have over the public and politics as gaming enters the state of Massachusetts 8pm (EST) Theology In Action Host David Concepcion explores the link between religion, spirituality and social movements with interviews with a variety of personalities