The June 16, 2012 General Assembly Passed three proposals:
1. S17 Solidarity Proposal
We stand in solidarity with September 17 day of action called for by our friends and allies in Occupy Wall Street. We join in the call for all occupies from across the nation to converge in NYC on S17 and shut down the Financial District.
2. S17 Spokescouncil open to all groups interested in participating in the S17 actions.
3. S17 Funding Proposal
Proposal to earmark $7000 for the S17 Working Group for outreach and
transportation. This money will only be spent for materials directly
related to S17. The S17 WG will be responsible for budgeting and
creating specific guidelines and priorities. Of the amount allocated,
$500 will become available before the first meeting for groups making
promotional materials. The first WG meeting will on 7/7 at 2PM and 2-3
meetings will be held before spending money.
GA Minutes: