Schedule, Needs, and Announcements for Day 3 (10/2)

It was an exciting, busy, and wet day two in Dewey Square. Our camp underwent an incredible transformation, and we’re settling into it nicely. The Food Working Group will continue to serve snacks and salads tonight, but there is nothing else planned. Here’s the schedule for tomorrow:

  • 8:30 am – Tactical Working Group meeting
  • 10:30 am – Morning General Assembly (GA)
  • 3:00 pm – Legal training with the Legal Working Group
  • 3:00 pm – Hot meal
  • 7:00 pm – Evening GA
  • TBD – Squatting and outdoor camping training with the Medical Working Group
  • TBD – Facilitator training with Direct Action Working Group (time announced at morning GA
  • TBD – The Arts and Culture Working Group would like to begin organizing weekly shows and movie nights; please go to the community center tent if you are interested.

In addition, some of the working groups have announcements:

  • Medic volunteers. The Medical Working Group needs more of ’em; please go to the medical tent if you are interested.
  • White board. The Direct Action Working Group has a new one up in the section of camp where GA is usually held.
  • ACLU. The Legal Working Group will no longer be using their phone number. If you are arrested please call the Massachusetts chapter of the National Lawyers Guild at 617-227-7335; if you are participating in direct action (like a march), please write this number somewhere on your body in indelible ink.
  • Pizza. The Food Working Group would really like some donations of it for tomorrow’s hot meal at 3 pm.

Finally, we are in need of the following items:

  • Pizza, especially during tomorrow’s hot meal at 3 pm (see above)
  • Coffee maker
  • Other liquid beverages 
  • Pallets
  • Tiny pad locks
  • Hangable Lanterns
  • Stakes
  • Bunjie cord
  • Tents
  • Canopies
  • Lumber
  • Tools
  • Water equipment
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Fire retardant products
  • Cough drops with vitamin C
  • Niquil

That’s all, for now. Sleep well, Boston, and we’ll see you tomorrow morning in occupied Dewey Square.