(reposted from UJP)
- End the Israeli Siege of Gaza
- No more US tax dollars for Israel
- Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
- Join US to March on HP and let them know Occupation is a Crime
Hewlett Packard makes billions off the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
- HP supplies computers to the Israeli army, and manages the Israeli Navy’s IT infrastructure, which has been criticized for war crimes.
- HP manufactures and maintains a computer system of Israeli biometric ID cards (with fingerprints, retinal and facial data), which are labeled with ethnicity and nationality. IDs are used to control movement of Palestinians going to and from work in Israel and even between their own villages.
The rally will start at the US Federal building in Boston to call for an end to US aid to Israel; the US a major supplier of weapons and money. The march will proceed through downtown Boston to the Westin Hotel near the waterfront convention center, where Hewlett Packard is sponsoring a convention for HP employees. Hewlett Packard is a major supplier of Israel and enabler of the occupation.
Sponsored by Boston BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), Jewish Voice for Peace Boston, United for Justice with Peace, Northeastern University Students for Justice in Palestine, Boston University Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Women for Justice in Israel/Palestine, Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights, Boston Alliance for Water Justice, Suffolk Law National Lawyer’s Guild, Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia, International Socialist Organization – Boston, Communist Party of Boston, Massachusetts Peace Action
Download the flyer as a PDF: http://justicewithpeace.org/files/Gaza8-11march.pdf