Urgent notice from The Divest Harvard Team: PLEASE join Divest Harvard from 12:00-12:45pm tomorrow (Friday) at Mass Hall!
For the past two days, Divest Harvard members — including undergrads, grad students, staff, and alumni — blockaded Mass Hall asking for an open dialogue on divestment and Harvard’s response to climate change. Rather than allowing space for discussion, the administration sent police to arrest students and rough them up.
Tomorrow, we will return to Mass Hall to tell the administration that this is unacceptable and will not stop our movement for climate justice. We will hand deliver over 60,000 signatures from supporters who stand with us, and show the administration that using police to do their dirty work is NOT okay.
PLEASE join us from 12:00-12:45pm tomorrow (Friday) at Mass Hall!
60,000 is AMAZING! But if you’d like to make that number even larger, here’s the petition: http://act.forecastthefacts.org/sign/solidarity_harvard_divestment_2/
The Divest Harvard Team