- Time: 12-5 PM, Saturday January 31st
- Place: Copley Square, directly across the street from Community Church of Boston.
- What: Rally, Demonstration, March, Food and Entertainment.
- Everyone Welcome!
- Bring: Free Food, Banners, Literature, Fliers, Stickers, Buttons
The 18th Annual First Night Against the Wars is upon us! An all-day event that boasts multiple music concerts, puppets, an ice skating show, and two fireworks displays one at 7PM and another at 12:30 AM. Activist Groups for the past 18 years have gathered around multiple issues and many times march from Copley to Boston Common at the end of the parade.
Groups are setting up at Copley Plaza at 11:30 AM and things get going at 12 noon. There is an Assange Defense Rally at 2 PM, and activist marching band BaBam will perform as well. Jill Stein and XR Solidarity will be marching from Copley Plaza to Boston Common at the end of the parade at 5 PM.
Groups participating or sponsoring the event include:
- July 26th Coalition of Boston
- Assange Defense
- Workers World Party Boston
- Boston Mayday Coalition
- Food for Activists
- Activate Media
- United Against Wars and Militarism
- Chelsea United Against The War
- Veterans For Peace
- Jill Stein
- BaBam (Boston Area Brigade of Activist Musicians)
- XR Solidarity
Message from the Event Page:Living today in a country perpetually at war, it is only fitting that this December 31 will mark the 18th annual celebration of First Night Against the Wars.Every year folks seeking an end to our permanent war culture gather in Copley Square to bring free food, banners, literature, fliers, stickers, buttons, and the antiwar holiday spirit to many thousands of First Night revelers who may long for peace.Your participation would contribute greatly to that spirit. Bring what you wish and join in the spectacle. So often the holiday festivities fail to celebrate the resistance coming from working people and the oppressed to the wars against women, oppressed nationalities, LGBT folks, the climate, the poor, and other countries.We will be setting up near the corner of Boylston and Dartmouth Streets. Look for our signs and banners. Please join us.Note: We may be in a slightly different location this year. They are moving the performance stage to the Old Library Entrance. We might have to set up directly across the street from the Community Church of Boston at 565 Boylston Street.For info: 857-272-6743
*Note: While ‘First Night Against The Wars’ is not directly affiliated with ‘First Night Boston’, it has participated alongside for many years. First Night Against The Wars does not support Amazon as the corporate sponsor of ‘First Night Boston’. Amazon is involved in poor labor practices and union-busting activities. When Workers Rights Are Under Attack, What Do We Do?