Hi Everyone:

Hoping Spring is happening (weather wise) for all of you… And that it’s happy and filled with green and growing things




This year, I’d like you to consider a day of Activism for a livable future. A twofer of possibilities to change the world as you begin your morning with mothers in West Roxbury to stop a dangerous fracked gas pipeline and then on to our worldwide food supply as we March Against Monsanto once again in the afternoon in Copley Square.

The first event is Mother’s Out Front A Day of Action at the WRL fracked gas pipeline which is a 5.1 mile 750 pounds per square inch of fracked gas that is being built with much opposition from neighborhoods in Dedham to environmental groups to the City Council and Mayor of Boston and Selectmen of Dedham. In fact, Mike Butler Chair of the Dedham Select Board was the first to be arrested in June protesting the pipeline outside Legacy Place.

So far about 55 people form all over New England have chosen to commit peaceful acts of Civil Disobedience to protest this pipeline. They have extensive training and
have chosen to be arrested because of the dangers of this pipeline positioned within feet of 30,00 plus visitors to malls up and down route 1, under a children’s soccer field, in densely populated neighborhoods, next to school, houses of worship and a nursing home and a Quarry that blasts dynamite two times a week!

The company building it, Spectra has repeatedly mislead town and city and state elected officials and threatened eminent domain and had a few accidents as they rushed to build the pipeline as well as the large explosion on another pipeline just two weeks ago in Pennsylvania. I’ve been involved in this effort in meetings and hearings following the great leading by large coalitions like Mass Power Forward and Toxics Action and 350 Mass and so many tens of thousands of others including smaller and yet more vibrant local groups like SWRL and so many others who are having this put in their front yards. Some of the hearings etc I have attended include from Conservation Commission to FERC hearings to federal court to the Supreme Judicial Court, meetings with aides for councilors, reps, mayors and staff for Warren and Markey when my health allows. Sadly, it’s out of all of their hands because the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission thus far, has had the final say. We are changing this narrative on the ground in W. Roxbury and in the State House and Supreme Court.

Imagine for a second what it’s like to have a large fracked gas pipeline in your front yard that is controlled by a metering and regulating station located next to a blasting quarry. Sadly, what we learned form the explosion in New Salem, PA a few weeks ago, when accidents happen along these pipelines and they are with greater frequency, upwards of 40 acres or 30 city blocks will be in the incineration zone

This pipeline is not approved by neighborhoods surrounding it, nor by Dedham and Boston or their elected officials. There have been years of valiant efforts to stop
it through court cases and hundreds of meetings. To learn more about it and events surrounding the protests and rallies see 350 Massachusetts .

This will be a great day to join Mother’s Out Front to show our solidarity with our friends and neighbors in Dedham, Westwood and West Roxbury.

Thanks and a Happy and Active-ism filled Spring to you all,

E. F.