Wonderful Floodbostonians,
Congrats on what I gather was a very successful event yesterday. Sorry I couldn’t make it. I want to draw your collective attention to something I’ve been helping to put together, that I think it would be great if Flood Boston folks could help promote and show up to. I’ve mentioned it to some of you already.
It’s called “United Story: Boston Beyond Today.” There will be two gatherings, on February 10 at the Boston Center for the Arts, and February 28 at First Church Somerville. At these gatherings, there will be a gallery of visual art and poetry, and a performance of new devised and documentary theatre, film, music and poetry, responding to police brutality and systemic racism, and exploring the Black Lives Matter movement, in Boston, Ferguson, and beyond. More info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1571572093087256. The team behind these gatherings is a coalition of people of color and white allies/accomplices with backgrounds in theatre, social art-ivism, community organizing, and event planning, responding to a call that came from Black leadership in St. Louis and Seattle.
Also attaching our flyer, and including some more info below.
If there are other organizations / groups you’re involved with that should know about this, please spread the word, and/or let me know so I can be in touch. (Also let me know if you have good media contacts.)
If you plan on coming, please email bostonbeyondtoday(AT)gmail.com to RSVP (and specify which date, or both).
Many thanks! In solidarity,