(from jslives)
Please spread the word far and wide about using this coming Saturday’s vigil and speak-out–every week, same time, same place; but different topics, against war and for social justice–to demand again that Gitmo be closed. The Saturday “regulars” have, like Witness Against Torture (which goes to DC every January), spoken out on this topic regularly.
Obama promised as a candidate and then at his first inauguration that he would close it down, even signed enabling legislation within his first two years. He continues to blame Republicans (for everything), but as Medea Benjamin said during one of his SOTU addresses–and as we’d all already said–he has the power, as commander-in-chief, to shut it down any time he chooses. Fourteen years of torture, solitary confinement, media blackouts on hunger strikes by those detained in the name of the “war on terror”? Too damn long.
Close it down! Add your voice to those of human-rights activists worldwide, next week.
(from Susan McLucas)
Next Sunday is the 14th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo. Those of us at the vigil yesterday decided that we will use our vigil next week to mark this occasion and push to close it down, once and for all! In Washington, Witness Against Torture is doing their annual demonstration in front of the White House and all around town. We will amplify their message and add our voices to the chorus of calls to close Guantanamo. We can be slightly happy that at least some people have been released recently but, of course, they all need to be let go, or else tried (though I don’t have much hope for a fair trial.)
We’ll have jumpsuits and plenty of handouts and will operate an open mic on the subject of closing Guantanamo.
We hope you can join us Sat, January 10 at 1pm (Park Street Station) . Please spread the word.