EMERGENCY PROTEST: Boston vigil to save the Internet


WHAT: Emergency protest and vigil to save net neutrality, the principle that protects free speech on the Internet.

WHEN: Thursday, November 6th, 6pm

WHERE: Gather in front of the MA State House near Boston Common.

BRING: A cell phone, flashlight, glowstick, or candle, to shine light on the corruption unfolding in our government.

WHY NOW? Read on.

National call to action: https://cms.fightforthefuture.org/emergency

The Wall Street Journal just reported on a leaked proposal that confirms our worst fears despite receiving nearly 4 million public comments calling for strong net neutrality, the FCC is still hurtling toward a FAKE proposal that leaves the door wide open for Cable company censorship and abuse of the Internet.

We need a massive response RIGHT NOW to show President Obama, the FCC, and the world that the Internet will accept nothing less than lasting net neutrality through Title II reclassification.

On November 6th, we will gather at the White House and government buildings nationwide and hold our cell phones, candles, and flashlights up to shine light on the corruption that is unfolding in Washington, DC, and demand a free and uncensored Internet for all.

Sponsored by Fight For The Future and the Massachusetts Pirate Party

Contact info@masspirates.org with questions.