Earth Day Editorial



California is drying up. Soon it will fall into the sea like a dead toenail. And still the 1% act as if climate change will spare their

  • Beach house on The Islands
  • Ski getaway in Aspen
  • Third Home in Malibu

and that mosquitos stop at the gated neighborhoods’ welcome desk.  They don’t.

How can we be assured that our life’s blood will not be sucked up by the rattlesnakes who think they own the Earth and everything on it?

  • UN Convention declaring water a human right
  • Tax wasted water like it’s going out of style
  • Carbon Tax
  • Tie the value of currency inversely to the number of fish in the sea.

You think that’s crazy? Think about the water sprinkler that’s been running in the desert for fifty years going off.

For The Earth,

Aria Littlhous

 15th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup

Saturday, April 26, 2014
9am – 12pm
At sites along the Charles River and its tributaries

Follow the conversation on Twitter: #charlesrivercleanup

Sign up now as an individual or with a team for this popular volunteer event. Spots fill up quickly so act now!