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6pm (EST)
Civil Science: Science and Society (Rebroadcast)
Join host Kathryn Solorzano Lowell as she takes us on a tour of science and politics. Tonight’s episode of Civil Science is a rebroadcast of Kathryn’s interview with Gary Rucinski about carbon fee and dividend, a way of pricing and potentially phasing down the use of carbon.
7pm (EST)
Free School University Radio (Rebroadcast)
Host David Knuttunen tackles a different topic of social activism importance every week on FSU radio. This week’s rebroadcast is in honor of Independence Day, Historian Lester “Africanus” Lee, in his second appearance on Free School University Radio, will help us plumb some of the history and politics of our Nation’s founding document in our Fourth of July show.
8pm (EST)
Working Class Wednesday
Host John Dwyer and his crew of bring round table discussions to your living room every week. Join them this week as they sit down with Bil Lewis and discuss the hub bub around the BPPA and the Boston Police Department.