The June 30, 2012 General assembly passed two resolutions that will
affect GA scheduling in July 2012.
(1) Proposal to move the GA on 7/14 to SW Corridor Park in Jamaica
Plain by Carolyn Magid.We will be nearby at the Revolutionary Arts Festival. This is a chance
to open up to the community in Jamaica Plain.Passed by consent.
(Southwest corridor park is near the Stony Brook Orange Line station
in Jamaica Plan).
(2)Proposal to modify GA schedule by Carolyn Magid
- Cancel GAs on Tuesday 7/3 & Saturday 7/7.
- Devote GA on 7/10 to decisions about what decision processes to
use going forward. We will make efforts to get as many
people as possible to that meeting so that the community is
In summary, please note that
- There is no GA on July 3rd or July 7th
- July 10th GA will be devoted to discussions about Occupy Boston’s
decision-making process. - July 14th GA will be in Jamaica Plain’s Southwest corridor park.
GA Minutes: