For more on the Mass Tea Party Patriot’s Rally, please visit http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/04/16/1083675/-MA-Tea-Party-Patriots-We-will-not-be-silenced-by-faggots-.
Photo courtesy of Paul Weiskel. To see more of Paul’s photos from the protest, please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/31167233@N08/sets/72157629461002076/with/6935577808.
2 Responses to “BPD Assaults Occupy Boston Activist”
Even the activist in the photo claims he was not being choked, but being pushed. Really, Occupy? Stop with the blatant lies.
The officer clearly had his hand around Allie’s neck in the photo. Allie claims to have been pushed BEFORE this photo was taken, and said to the officer “Don’t push me” and then this happened.