Good Morning from Occupy Boston!
Stories of the Day: In case you couldn’t make it to the Occupy Boston April Fool’s March yesterday, here is the Boston Globe article, the Flickr slideshow, coverage from BostInno, and here is a video of Occupy Boston announcing that it has “dissolved.” Not to worry, it was all in good fun! But here are two stories that fall into the category of “we wish they were jokes:” Provacateur “reporter” baits protesters at Occupy Riverwest (Milwaukee) and Fox News eagerly shares the footage. And Goldman Sachs supports sex trafficking!
Other Occupies/Protests:
- Monday, April 2, 9:30am, Across from the State House: Occupy the Judge Rotenberg Center’s Debut Rally. Resisting corporate financial and lobbying power (plus taxpayer money) to keep this school in Canton, MA, from continuing to use aversive conditioning, which some have called torture, on children with autism, developmental issues, and psychiatric labels. The painful “treatment” includes electric shock. Anonymous has spoken out against the school, the only one of its kind in the nation, see the video here.
- Occupy Atlanta, along with unions, religious leaders, leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, community activists, and the Tea Party, helped defeat SB 469, commonly called the anti-free speech, anti-union bill.
“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell
Volunteer Opportunities/Announcements:
- Did you know? Occupy Boston has its own Internet radio station! Occupy Boston Radiois a community-based and volunteer-run Internet radio station broadcasting out of the metropolitan Boston area. They strive to be the facilitators of many voices, offering a wide variety of people and groups an opportunity to share their experiences, concerns, and perspectives over the Occupy airwaves. Interested in participating? They need as much help as possible, have room for shows, need producers and people to follow up on the Music Department. Listen at
- Have you entered the Occupier’s Haiku Contest yet? I did! Send submissions to by April 7, no more than 3 haikus per person. For rules, click here. Prizes!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, April 4, 3pm-11:30pm Occupy Boston – National Day of Action for Public Transportation, Massachusetts State House
Public transportation is a right and must be accessible to all. Service cuts and fare hikes will have a devastating and disproportionate impact on low-income communities, communities of color, students, workers, seniors and the environment. We say NO TO PRIVATIZATION of our common resources and NO MORE EXCUSES! We will not accept any funding strategies that attempt to divide the 99% against each other or shift the burden onto the backs of the 99%: the poor and working classes. End the wars and tax the rich! On April 4th, we will stand together to demand public transportation for the 99%. If our call is not answered and the necessary funds redirected, it will only add to the growing body of evidence that our government no longer represents us.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Event Highlight:
6 pm-8:30 pm (doors open 5:30), Occupy Boston Open House at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 138 Tremont St., Boston. All are welcome to attend – come learn about Occupy Boston and what the working groups do! Come find your place within the movement! Bring friends and family too!
Calendar for Monday, April 2, 2012
7:00pm – 8:30pm Climate Action, Sustainability and Environmental Justice WG Meeting, Old West Church (United Methodist) at 131 Cambridge St.
8:30pm – 10:30pm MetaSpokes WG Meeting. City Place Food Court in the Transportation Building, This working group is exploring Spokescouncil models and how this might be another good organizing tool for Occupy Boston.
These are just some of the many events at Occupy Boston. Check out our Daily Calendar for more information. For more information on Occupy Boston’s General Assembly, including passed resolutions, click here!