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  • Archive: 2011

    Jon Stewart on Occupy Wall Street/ Boston

    Last night Jon Stewart devoted the first segment of The Daily Show to an overview of the Occupy movement. He discussed the criticism of movement’s lack of solutions or “demands,” and the failure of those in government (thus far) to offer solutions as well as. It’s a great clip, check it out.

    Parks and Demonstration: America cannot expect a bunch of disenfranchised park-dwellers to come up with a solution to its economic woes — they have a political ruling class to do that. (09:23)


    #Occupy Boston IRC chat now open 24/7

    Live conversations will allow us to provide up-to-the-minute information regarding people at camp, donors, supporters, and interested members of the public.

    We *hope* to have someone from camp online in the channel at all times to answer questions regarding conditions in camp, though please understand that this may be difficult, pending logistics problems around keeping us online in a Boston public park.

    Check it out at:

    Stay well, Stay Strong


    Needed: people to be both ONSITE and VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERS

    Occupy Boston is looking for people to help manage the hundreds of visitors, volunteer requests and media inquiries we have been struggling to manage.

    VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We need folks that are available to help manage the Occupy Boston site and various groups and tasks associated with the project.  Everyone has to have a laid back sense of tolerance for a process that involves building consensus with wide ranging opinions and styles.  Militant bossy people need not apply.  But if you’re kind and fun and have a desire to participate in a revolution, please let us know what you like to do and what your availability is.

    Types of work:

    SITE OPERATIONS:  we need people ONSITE to run errands, and help with the operation of the camp. We need a few committed managers, but also need folks that can be onsite to help with emptying trash and miscellaneous chores.  If you have skills as a handy person, even better.  We are often struggling with trying to set up tarps as tents that will withstand the rain/wind and other various weather-related and site management challenges.  The ideal person for management will have have a cell phone and mobile email and will have lots of patience and creative energy.  Assertive, but non-confrontational, very patient personalities required.

    WELCOME DESK OPERATIONS:  we need people to sit at the welcome table in 1-2 hour shifts.  If you’re friendly and enjoy talking to the public, and can remember a few “messages” that we are trying to convey, please come help.

    VOLUNTEER TOUR GUIDES:  we need people who are supportive of the cause to walk visitors around and show them the camp.  We envision that the

    STAGE MANAGERS:  we need people with experience managing and/or being on stage to help manage a smooth flow to the comings and goings of speakers, musicans, etc.  Some technical experience with a PA is helpful, but not necessary.  Please be prepared to commit to 2 hour shifts.  Assertive, but non-confrontational, and very patient personalities required.

    VIRTUAL WORK-AT-HOME VOLUNTEER PROJECT MANAGERS:  if you work stuck at a desk but want to help, this work might be for you.  We need people who can help for a couple hours a day chasing down supplies, making phone calls, answering emails, managing lists, etc.  If you are proficient on the computer and can manage lists of tasks, and are OK talking to strangers and helping find people and things, please let us know.

    FINANCE AND POLITICAL SCIENCE SPECIALISTS: Must be objective and patient to work with groups through complex public policy and social challenges.  Must have warm weather gear and be able to stay onsite for hours.  Ability to post/blog respectfully is helpful, but not necessary. But the ability to respect disparate viewpoints is required.  The ability to deconstruct labels and sort through language differences to dig out the core goals is very very helpful.  Any length of time.  10 minutes or 10 hours.  Please come on down…

    Happening in Dewey Sq. Tonight (10/6)

    5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Facilitation group will meet by the media tent (please join to discuss facilitation, general assemblies, democracy, consensus process)

    7 p.m. General Assembly:
    a. Introduction: signs, structure, agenda, what consensus is,
    b. Announcements from working groups
    c. Proposals from working groups to be consented/amended/tabled by GA
    d. Proposals from individuals to be consented/amended/tabled by GA
    e. Individual open stack (2 min limit per speaker)

    Hip Hop Showcase Tonight

    Occupy Boston’s Outreach and Arts and Culture working groups are proud to host a socially conscious hip hop showcase tonight from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Dewey Square.

    DJ Inferno and a number of artists, slam poets, and speakers from the North Shore, South Shore and inner city of Boston will perform on a sound system powered by bicycle energy.

    Attendance is free and welcome to all. Please remember that Occupy Boston is an alcohol and drug-free zone. Violence of any kind will not be tolerated.

    For more information, please email or tweet at@Occupy_Boston.


    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston