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    Press Release: On Bad Behavior

    *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 14th, 2011*


    Twitter: @occupyBOS_media

    On Bad Behavior

    Fox News reported today that an Occupy Boston participant inside South Station spit on a member of the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard has confirmed that an officer was assaulted in this way near South Station and Dewey Square. Coast Guard has also confirmed that there are no allegations that this assault was committed by an Occupy Boston participant. Occupy Boston unanimously condemns violent actions.  We are committed to nonviolence and consider conduct of this sort to be violent.

    Some of our participants are former servicemen and women. One thing we all share is a respect for others in the 99%, including members of our armed services, many of whom stand with us in our pursuit of economic justice. This past Tuesday morning, members of the group Veterans for Peace stood between protesters and police prior to the arrests that took place at 1:30am. They stood in support of our right to free speech. They were pulled to the ground, their banners broken, and their bodies bruised. This also is reprehensible behavior—committed by Boston police officers—and deserves widespread discussion and media attention. We stand with the Veterans for Peace and the rest of the 99%, offering our solidarity for all those who have served and continue to serve to keep our country safe.

    Fox’s portrayal of the Coast Guard assault was a rush to judgement, at best. Occupy Boston depends upon the fair and diligent reporting of individuals, independent reporters, and professional press organizations to convey important messages regarding our participatory democracy, our march towards government and financial reform, our ongoing nonviolent events, and our culture of inclusion.

    Occupy Boston also faces the ongoing threat of authoritarian action, stifling free speech with brutality; this threat and this brutality also deserve regular coverage. For Fox’s message of violence to creep onto the media radar unverified damages Fox’s credibility and the credibility of those who have propagated this message. Few organizations reached out to Occupy Boston in reconciliation of Fox’s poorly researched content regarding Occupy Boston’s commitment to nonviolence, constructive aims, and positive intentions. They opted instead for sensationalism.


    Occupy Boston is the beginning of an ongoing discussion about reforming Wall Street and removing special interests from government. The continuing occupation of Dewey Square (outside South Station) is just one of more than 120 separate Occupy encampments in cities across the nation and a symbol for “Occupiers” everywhere who support real and lasting change. Video:

    Global Day of Action

    We are overjoyed at the news that Brookfield Office Properties—the owners of Zucotti Park—and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have backed away from their threats to forcibly remove peaceful occupiers from Liberty Plaza in New York City.

    We are especially happy that Occupy New York is free to join their sisters and brothers across the United States and around the world who are coming together to challenge corporate greed during today’s Global Day of Action.

    For more information about the Global Day of Action, see the website, check out the map of events across the world, or follow #globalchange and @15octobernet on Twitter.

    “It’s time for us to unite; it’s time for them to listen.” Occupy Boston stands united with you.

    Occupy Wall Street Victory

    Victory in New York

    Early this morning, the international Occupy movement achieved an
    impressive victory as billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg called off
    the eviction of the Occupy Wall Street protestors that had been
    planned for 7:00 AM.  An Occupy Boston solidarity group — dispatched last
    night at midnight — arrived just hours before the announcement, which
    was greeted with elated cheers and chants of, “All Day, All Week,
    Occupy Wall Street”.  A spontaneous march immediately followed as
    hundreds began pouring down Broadway Avenue with signs and chants
    broadcasting their message of economic justice and the end of Wall
    Street’s influence on our democracy.

    “I can’t remember a happier sight in my life,” said Stephen Squibb, a
    member of the Boston solidarity group, “Than that of hundreds of
    protestors of all ages and backgrounds swarming through the financial
    district as the sun broke over downtown New York on a Friday morning.
    It was beautiful.”

    Preparations can now continue in earnest for October 15, which
    promises to be one of the largest days of international protest in a

    In Solidarity from New York — Occupy Boston

    Go here to read about it on Occupy Wall Street’s own web site.

    United American Indians of New England Supports Occupy Boston

    United American Indians of New England (UAINE) have endorsed Occupy Boston! Here is an excerpt of their statement of support:

    United American Indians of New England (UAINE) supports Occupy/Decolonize Boston and the Occupy/Decolonize Wall Street movement generally.

    We are deeply moved and encouraged that Occupy/Decolonize Boston, as one of its very first actions, issued a memorandum in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. We have been the victims of corporate greed for centuries. If you seek to re-imagine a new society free of corporate greed, then we would ask that you learn all you can about the past that has carried us to this place.

    We fully support the right of the Occupy/Decolonize Boston encampment to expand from Dewey Square to other parks and open spaces in the city, without the necessity of permits and without fear of police reprisals.

    Read the full text of the statement here.

    Video of Boston Police Arresting Peaceful Protesters

    Michael Gill has produced a definitive video of the peaceful occupation of the Greenway Park by Occupy Boston last Monday night and the rough police crackdown on nonviolent protesters that followed. Notice the police trampling the flowers that Mayor Mennino was supposedly protecting. The authorities have truly lost sight of what’s important.

    [vimeo w=600&h=400]


    “I will not tolerate civil disobedience in the city of Boston,”

    — Thomas Menino, mayor of the city where patriots staged the most celebrated act of civil disobedience in American history, The Boston Tea Party

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