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  • Archive: 2011

    Monday Evening General Assembly Proposals

    The following proposal was consented to by Occupy Boston’s General Assembly (GA) last night:

    For both security and political reasons, the Occupy Boston Information Technology (OBIT) Working Group proposes that all working groups move off of Google Groups and onto mailing lists hosted by May First/People Link. In addition, and for the same reasons, we propose using our own domain——for working-group email addresses. This transfer should occur by November 1, with training and support supplied by OBIT.

    Ben Bernanke in Dewey Square

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will be passing through Dewey Square at 2 pm and 5:30 pm today on his way to and from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s annual conference. Occupy Boston is putting out a call volunteers to hold signs, picket, and make sure that Chairman Bernanke gets our (respectful, nonviolent) message!

    Jamarhl Crawford of Blackstonian at Occupy Boston

    On October 12, Jamarhl Crawford, publisher and editor of Blackstonian: The Black Boston 411, addressed Occupy Boston’s General Assembly. Jamarhl spoke about how Occupy Boston can be more inclusive of issues facing Boston’s black community. It’s an important message that is well worth watching.



    Saturday Marches

    On Saturday, 3000 people from all walks of life marched from Park Street Station to Dewey Square as part of the October 15 Boston Antiwar Rally, which was sponsored by the Boston branch of the United National Antiwar Committee. While not officially endorsed by Occupy Boston, many member of Occupy Boston were in attendance.

    After the Antiwar Rally, hundreds of people joined Occupy Boston in a second march to call for greater accountability on Wall Street and greater responsiveness in Washington.

    Both events were part of the October 15 Global Day of Action that included demonstrations in more than 80 countries around the world. Here are some pictures of the Boston events:

    Occupy Boston Demonstrators Rally at Park St.10/15/2011

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    #occupyboston 15oct

    Occupy Boston Demonstrators rally in Dewey Square 10/15/2011

    [Photographs courtesy of Jon Pack and WEBN-TV]

    Kickstarter for the Occupy Boston Globe

    Occupy Boston’s internal newspaper, the Occupy Boston Globe, has launched a Kickstarter in order to fund the printing and distribution of a weekly newspaper.

    To help support an important source of information on the Occupy movement in Boston, click here.

    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston