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  • Archive: 2011

    Occupy Boston stands in solidarity with Occupy the Hood

    The following proposal was consented to by Occupy Boston’s General Assembly on Thursday, October 20:

    Occupy Boston stands in solidarity with the Occupy the Hood rally taking place at 6pm on October 21 in Dudley Square Plaza. Occupy Boston will activate our solidarity by sending volunteers to appropriately assist and support the initiative with excitement, RESPECT, and HUMILITY. We hope to see Occupy the Hood grow into an inclusive and democratic step towards unifying ALL the 99%. We recognize that our support for initiatives like this one is part of a process of listening to, learning from, and deepening our connections to many more local community organizations.

    Direct Action is organizing groups to go from Dewey Square to Dudley Square at 5pm on Friday, October 21.

    Occupy New Hampshire Under Threat of Eviction

    Occupy New Hampshire is under imminent threat of eviction and possible arrest tonight. The Manchester Police Department (MPD) has told them that they have until 11 pm tonight to vacate Veterans Park in Manchester or face ticketing. Anyone who does not leave the park after receiving a ticket will be forcibly removed by MPD.

    Members of Occupy Boston are en route to Manchester now to support Occupy New Hampshire. You can support them by calling Mayor Ted Gatsas at 603-624-6500; Chief of Parks Peter Capano at 603-624-6565; and Chief of Police David Mara at 603-668-8711 and respectfully asking them not to evict the protestors. (Again, please be respectful!) Finally, keep an eye on Occupy New Hampshire’s livefeed.

    Occupy Boston stands in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in New Hampshire in this time of need. We are the 99%, and we will not be silenced.

    [Update: Fifteen citations were given out and five people were arrested, all peacefully. All of the arrested occupiers are free now. Camp has been completely cleared and no one is currently occupying the park. Occupy New Hampshire is regrouping with a General Assembly planned for Saturday at noon in Veterans Park.]

    Bill McKibben at Occupy Boston Thursday

    Environmentalist, author, and journalist Bill McKibben will be visiting us at 5:30 pm on Thursday, October 20.  McKibben is the Co-founder and Global Organizer of and has been most active recently as a lead spokesperson for the Tar Sands Action campaign, whose nonviolent direct actions at the White House earlier this year resulted in a dramatic 1250+ arrests.

    Noam Chomsky at Occupy Boston Saturday

    Internationally-recognized author, linguist, and activist Noam Chomsky will be speaking at Occupy Boston in Dewey Square on Saturday, October 22 at 6 pm as part of Free School University’s Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series. Chomsky has already released statements of support for both Occupy Boston and Occupy Wall Street, and we are honored to be hosting him.

    Rev. Charles Adams at Occupy Boston This Afternoon

    Internationally-renowned Christian minister, activist, diplomat, and Harvard Divinity School professor Rev. Charles Adams will be speaking at Occupy Boston today at 4:00 pm. He has been a consistent voice for the poor and marginalized, and we are honored to have him join us.

    Here is a video of Rev. Adams delivering a prayer at the funeral service for Rosa Parks:


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