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  • Archive: 2011

    Harvard University Students Stage Walkout in Protest of Economics Class

    Harvard University students rallying in support of the Occupy movement

    Yesterday, seventy Harvard University undergraduates staged a walkout of Economics 10—the largest course at Harvard, with over 700 students—to protest the course’s conservative bias and in solidarity with the Occupy movement. Economics 10 is taught by Professor N. Gregory Mankiw, who also served on the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the second Bush administration and is currently an adviser to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.

    You can read more in the Harvard Crimson’s article on the walkout.

    Occupy Chicago Interrupt Scott Walker Speech

    Members of Occupy Chicago and Stand Up! Chicago gave Wisconsin governor Scott Walker a truly beautiful welcome to their city as he approached the microphone to deliver a speech during a breakfast at the Union League Club of Chicago yesterday. Here’s the video:

    Upcoming Lectures in the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series at Occupy Boston

    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Today at 1:30 pm

    Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

    World-famous radical feminist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz will be speaking at Occupy Boston today—Friday, November 4—at 1:30 pm. You can find out more about her at her website.


    Bruno Bosteels on November 29 at 5 pm

    Bruno Bosteels

    Bruno Bosteel, professor of Romance Studies at Cornell University, will be speaking at Occupy Boston on Tuesday, November 29 at 5 pm. He is the author of The Actuality of Communism and Badiou and Politics.


    Paul LeBlanc on November 18 at 5 pm

    Paul LeBlanc, Professor of History at La Roche College in Pittsburgh, will speaking at Occupy Boston on November 18 at 5 pm. Professor LeBlanc served as Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at La Roche College from 2003 to 2009.  He has also worked as a unionized healthcare worker, a service employee, a shipyard worker, and an auto worker. Professor LeBlanc is the author of a number of books on labor and social movements—including Marx, Lenin, and the Revolutionary Experience: Studies of Communism and Radicalism in the Age of Globalization—and was most recently an editor of the International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present.


    Noel Ignatiev on November 12 at 5 pm

    Noel Ignatiev

    Noel Ignatiev—a longtime political activist, professor of history at the Massachusetts College of Art, and the author of How the Irish Became White—will be speaking at Occupy Boston on Saturday, November 12 at 5 pm. The title of his walk will be  “Race and Occupy”

    Paul “Fetch” Carnes and Sydney Sherrell Banned

    The following resolution was passed by consensus by the General Assembly of Occupy Boston, November 3, 2011. It was distributed along with a list of grievances against Paul Carnes and copies of receipts from various transactions paid for with Occupy Boston funds.

    [Download the original packet as a PDF]

    November 3, 2011

    Proposal to Ban Paul (Fetch) Carnes and Sydney Sherrell from Occupy Boston and the General Assembly and from Representing  Occupy Boston.

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have previously been banned from the Financial Accountability Working Group (FAWG) for inappropriate handling of funds and unsavory behavior, and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have already been brought before mediation and were asked to cease and desist actions on behalf of Occupy Boston, and

    Whereas Carnes went to Occupy Cleveland, claiming to have been sent from Occupy Boston, and to be a representative of the National Lawyers’ Guild, and attempted to claim vertical leadership there, much like he did here, and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell passed out a flyer at camp dated November 2, 2011 that was not approved by the GA, the Media Working Group that issues releases, or any form of consensus with the movement, which read: “Occupy News: Occupy Boston Resolves Legal Dispute. Last night the General Assembly welcomed Paul Carnes and Sydney back to Occupy Boston with open consensus-hands followed by an announcement by the Financial Accountability Working Group (FAWG) of Occupy Boston. The announcement stated that Carnes and Sherell have reached an agreement with members of the financial working group on behalf of Occupy Boston to work out their differences after weeks of a communication break-down and an intensive mediation lead by the attorney David Kelston. Over 150 news articles and blog post were written about this issue alone… When Carnes and Sherell took the stage at General Assembly, it was clear that lessons have been learned, their motives were pure at heart, and they truly care about the occupation… The goal is to unite together and fight for what we believe, in solidarity for the good of us all. Both Carnes and Sherell came to an agreement with Occupy Boston to do just that. All is live and well in Occupy Land,” and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have set up a series of fundraising sites purporting to be for Occupy Boston among other occupations but are not part of FAWG, and

    Whereas Carnes has attempted to remove previously published information about his unsavory activities from the Occupy Boston website, and

    Whereas Carnes and Sherrell have shown repeatedly that they have no respect for horizontal democracy, of the wishes of the General Assembly, and are still attempting to manipulate both Occupy Boston and the people outside of the movement,

    Therefore, this ad-hoc group of concerned individuals propose the General Assembly of Occupy Boston agree by consensus to not allow Paul Carnes to represent Occupy Boston in any capacity. Should Paul Carnes or Sydeny Sherrell attempt to speak for the movement or Occupy Boston again, further releases and proposals will be issued to make it clear they are not representatives of Occupy Boston. We will continue to disseminate this information about Paul and Sydney to the entire global movement including Occupy Together as well as individual occupations.

    Paul Carnes and Sydney Sherrell are also hereby removed, which means they are no longer allowed at Occupy Boston sites.

    [Point of Information/Correction: On the second page of the list of grievances against Paul Carnes, it reads that Carnes forced FAWG to allow him back in as a bargaining chip. FAWG points out that this is not the case, and this is false. See agreement between Carnes and FAWG for more information.]

    Legal Working Group Begins Action to Protect Camp’s Constitutional Rights

    This following resolution is summarized from the minutes of the November 3rd, 2011 General Assembly:

    The Legal Working Group reached consensus with the General Assembly on November 3rd, 2011 to allow the National Lawyers’ Guild and the American Civil Liberties Union to begin preparing legal action ensuring the future of the Occupy Boston camp. The proposed lawsuit would request an injunction protecting the 1A constitutional rights of members of the Occupy Boston community and preventing the camp’s removal from Dewey Square. A representative of the NLG clarified that the suit will not be filed at this time but will be made ready and maintained in case of possible developments for which the injunction would be appropriate.

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