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    Daily Digest for November 8

    Good Morning from Occupy Boston! Below please find your daily digest.

    Fact of the Day: Fifty million is the big number today! That is the minimum number of dollars you must have to use the new line of super-rich banks Wells Fargo is planning to open exclusively for multi-millionaires. Take advantage of this while you can! Fifty million is also the number of Americans who are now living below the poverty line, a record number that encompasses some 16% of the American population.

    News from other Occupations: The city council of Seattle is debating a resolution that would support Occupy Seattle. David Crosby and Graham Nash are set to perform at Occupy Wall Street. No word yet on Stills and Young.

    Occupy Boston – Tuesday, November 8th

    Today’s Weather and Events: Sunny with highs getting to near 70 degrees its a fantastic day to be Occupying Boston. Check out our Calendar of Events for today, also posted at the bottom of this email.

    Highlights: Occupy the Polls! Today many elections are being held across the country, including for Boston City Council. Get your voice heard then come down to the main stage at Occupy Boston for the General Assembly at 7 pm, where you can participating in voicing your concerns and having your vote count.

    Volunteer Opportunities:

    – The Media Working Group at Occupy Boston is looking for help coordinating the many e-mails it is getting throughout the day and night. If you are interested in public relations and want to help the Media team coordinate this, please send them an e-mail.

    – Free School University needs Greeters, Forum Coordinators and Online Help (wiki, mailing list, website, twitter.) If you can help please contact or come to the Friday Volunteer Meeting at 4:00pm

    – The Info Tent is doing a volunteer training next Monday (11/4) at 7:00pm. Email if interested

    Other Working Groups seeking volunteers include Food, Outreach, Info Tent, Winterization, Logistics, Library and many, many more. Click here for a full list of Working Groups and their contact information. See where you think your strengths lay and where you can be most effective. We are looking for support both on and off-site, so even if you can’t come down there is something to do!


    If you are able to, we are still looking for both material and financial support. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. For information on how our money is managed, please see our Financial Accountability Working Group page.

    Today’s Events (please check the calendar for updates)

    Tuesday, November 8
    All Day OCCUPY THE POLLS! GET OUT THE VOTE!! Your local voting booth
    9 am Get Warm with the Breath and Movement Main Plaza
    2 pm Compassion Meditation with Olivia Faith and Spirituality Tent
    4 pm Direct Action meeting Direct Action Tent
    4 pm Safety meeting Meet at Gandhi
    5:30 pm Winterizing meeting Meet at Gandhi, move to South Station
    5:30 pm Women’s Caucus meeting N/A
    6 pm Faith and Spirituality Working Group meeting Faith and Spirituality Tent
    7 pm General Assembly Main Stage
    7 pm Wall Street in Context Ray and Maria Stata Center, building 32, MIT Campus

    Elaine Bernard Speaking Tomorrow, November 9, at 6 pm

    Elaine Bernard, executive director of the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, will be speaking tomorrow, November 9, at 6 pm as part of the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series. Professor Bernard is a prominent labor intellectual and activist and will be speaking about the attack on public sector workers. Her talk is entitled “From Heroes to Zeros: The War on Public Employees and Their Unions”.

    March Today, November 7, at 6 pm

    There will be a march from Dewey Square today at 6 pm in solidarity with Occupy Worcester and Occupy Atlanta, which were both raided by the police on Saturday night and early Sunday morning, resulting in several arrests. We are the 99%, and we stand united.

    Unemployment in the United States

    Fourteen million Americans are unemployed and want jobs--the most since 1940

    Average CEO Pay in the United States

    Average CEO pay is 250 times average worker pay—the highest ratio of all time.

    [Graphic courtesy of Occupy Design]

    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston