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  • Archive: 2011

    “How To Start a Revolution” Film Screening at Occupy Boston tonight, 7pm

    The Free School University is hosting a documentary film screening tonight at 7pm in Dewey Square. The screening of “How To Start a Revolution” will be followed by commentary from the director, Ruaridh Arrow, and Jamila Raqib, of the Albert Einstein Institute.

    Gene Sharp – How to Start a Revolution Teaser

    HOW TO START A REVOLUTION is a portrait of how one man’s thinking has contributed to the liberation of millions of oppressed people living under some of the most brutal dictatorships in the world and how his work in direct action and civil disobedience continues to be used today to topple dictators using the sheer force of nonviolent people power.

    Nobel Peace Prize nominee Gene Sharp is one of the globe’s greatest thinkers on nonviolent revolutions. His work over the last 50 years has been groundbreaking.

    His seminal book, ‘From Dictatorship to Democracy’ has been the standard manual for leaders of ‘colour’ revolutions around the globe – it lists 198 steps to nonviolent regime change. He has been called the ‘Machiavelli of nonviolent struggle’, and called much worse by the regimes who have fallen as a result of his work. His book is available free online and has been translated into over 40 languages.

    His methods have been used in democratic struggles in the Balkans, throughout Eastern Europe in Georgia, the Ukraine, in Indonesia, Burma and Iran. In 2009 the Iranian government charged protesters with following Gene Sharp’s tactics; the Tehran Times reported: According to the indictment a number of the accused “confessed that the post-election unrest was preplanned and the plan was following the timetable of the velvet revolution to the extent that over 100 stages of the 198 steps of Gene Sharp were implemented in the foiled velvet revolution.” (

    Daily Digest for November 9

    Good Morning from Occupy Boston!
    Below please find your daily digest.

    Fact of the Day: The Congressional “Super Committee” says the U.S. is broke and is looking to make cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Meanwhile, according to data from the Federal Reserve, corporations are sitting on $2 trillion in cash reserves that they don’t know what to do with.

    News from other Occupations:  Occupy Denver has elected a leader! In response to the Mayor’s demand the occupation present a single person for him and city officials to negotiate with, Occupy Denver’s General Assembly chose Shelly, a thre-year-old border collie. Noting that Shelby can breathe, bleed and show emotion, she already exhibits more characteristics of a “person” than a private corporation.

    Special Highlight: Just under a year ago reactionary politicians in Ohio passed a harsh anti-union law that was meant to break the back of organized labor. Labor fought back by getting enough signatures to put the issue on the ballot in the next election and let voters decide. Yesterday the votes were in and it was a landslide, as Ohioans overwhelmingly chose to overturn the bill and restore union rights in Ohio.

    Occupy Boston – Wednesday November 9Today’s Weather and Events: Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph.  Want to enjoy this great weather? Check out our Calendar of Events for today, also posted at the bottom of this email.Highlights: Join the march to stop the Super Committee from taking the axe to social security and medicare. Meet at 270 Tremont (in front of Wang Theater) at 11am

    Volunteer Opportunities:

    – Interested in seeing Occupy Boston stay through the winter? Then join the Winterization Working Group meeting today at 5:30pm, meeting at the Gandhi statue

    – Want to help coordinate volunteer needs in general? The Volunteer Coordination team is meeting Friday morning at 10:0am by the media tent. If you can’t make it, e-mail us and we can talk about how you can help.

    Other Working Groups seeking volunteers include Food, Outreach, Info Tent, Winterization, Logistics, Library and many, many more; every group is looking for volunteers so find the group that appeals to you and don’t be shy about offering help. Click here for a full list of Working Groups and their contact information. See where you think your strengths lay and where you can be most effective. We are looking for support both on and off-site, so even if you can’t come down there is something to do;  send an email the Info Tent for further assistance

    If you are able to, we are still looking for both material and financial support. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. For information on how our money is managed, please see our Financial Accountability Working Group page.


    Wednesday, November 9
    11:00am[Outreach] Rally to Protect Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security with Mass Senior Action – Meet at
    1:00pmNon-Violence Working Group
    1:00pmLivestream Meeting
    1:30pmGet Warm with Breath and Movement
    2:00pm**OccuPoetry on the Main Stage
    3:00pmBible study
    3:00pm FSU Workshop: Your Rights at Work
    4:00pm Direct Action Meeting
    4:00pm ** Comedy: Barry Crimmins
    4:00pmSafety meeting
    4:30pm**Concert:Chadwick Stokes from State Radio/Dispatch
    5:00pm Facilitation
    5:30pm Winterizing meeting
    5:30pm** Ecumenical Communion Servics
    6:00pm FSU Workshop: The Practice of Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience
    6:00pm **FSU: The Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series, Elaine Bernard
    7:00pm Media Working Group Meeting
    7:00pm Open Facilitation Workshop
    7:00pm **FSU: Film Screening
    Questions or concerns? Please e-mail and we can help you with whatever you need.

    Today at Dewey: Music and Comedy

    Chad Stokes of the bands Dispatch and State Radio will play Occupy Boston today, Wednesdat Nov. 9 at 5 p.m. on the main stage, following political satirist and comedian Barry Crimmins who will begin at 4 p.m.

    Actions This Week!

    Occupy Boston Stands with Workers against “Super Committee” Cuts! 

    11:00 AM, Wed, Nov. 9th, at The Wang Theater
    (270 Tremont St., Boston, MA)

    The Super Committee, which includes MA Senator John Kerry, is meeting behind closed doors to decide how to cut $1.5 Trillion from federal spending by November 23. Cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social programs crucial to the 99% are expected to be made by a “committee” appointed by a government bought and paid for by the 1%. Cuts to social services would most severely affect those already most oppressed by the system: the poor, elderly, youth, people of color, LGBTQ… Join the Boston area labor movement to say stop the cuts! Fund jobs and social services for the 99%!

    Labor Co-Sponsors so far include:
    1199SEIU; AFGE District 2; Boston Building and Construction Trades Council; Community Labor United; GALLAN; Greater Boston Labor Council; IBEW Local 2222; IBEW Local 103; IUE-CWA Local 201; MA AFL-CIO; Massachusetts Building Trades Council, AFL-CIO; MA Jobs with Justice; Mass Nurses Association; Mass Teachers Association; NAGE; North Shore
    Labor Council; SEIU Massachusetts State Council; SEIU 888; SEIU 615; SEIU 888; and Western MA Jobs with Justice

    Action! Occupy Boston Stands with Massachusetts Teachers and Parents who say: “Michelle Rhee Gets an F”

    Wed, Nov 9th March from Dewy Square at 6:30 p.m. 

    Rally at 7:00 p.m. at Symphony Hall
    (301 Massachusetts Ave.)

    Rhee-port card grade: F
    √ Disrespecting educators √ Failing students and parents √ Fostering a culture of cheating and test score inflation √ Union busting

    Former Washington Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee is bringing her controversial brand of school ‘Rhee-form’ to Boston. Help us give Rhee an ‘F’—for disrespecting  teachers, failing parents and students and fostering a culture of cheating. Her
    organization, “Students First” places Corporations First, working class kids last.  Stand up to corporate education. Fight for good public education for all!

    Bisexual Resource Center of Boston Stands in Solidarity with Occupy Boston


    The Bisexual Resource Center of Boston stands in solidarity with Occupy Boston for their tenacity in fighting for recognition concerning a host of inequality issues that affect all Americans.

    As a specific demographic that has labored hard for sheer recognition in a society that frequently considers us invisible or illegitimate despite our presence (according to a recent study, bisexuals actually represent more than half of the entire LGBT population) and having fought for our voices to be heard, we are also the 99%.

    We are all affected by unjust systems perpetuated by a minority of individuals and corporate interests tainting our democracy, and the BRC stands with the Occupy Boston protestors as they seek to raise awareness of the issues, and create conversation concerning solutions.

    The BRC and its supporters represent a diverse range of views, but as an organization committed to doing the same, we all stand for the right to be heard and propose changes in the name of equality and justice.

    For over 25 years the BRC has represented bisexual people and built bridges for civil rights within the larger LGBT community and its allies. The term “bisexual” (although there is more than one term in use depending on preference) is an umbrella term for people who recognize and honor their potential for sexual and/or emotional attraction to more than one gender.

    For more information about bisexuality and the mission of the BRC, please visit our website:

    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston