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    Health Justice Day of Action

    Saturday, Nov. 12, Dewey Square, Boston, MA – Hundreds of Boston area residents and health advocates will gather with physicians, nurses, social workers and students for a Health Justice Day of Action.  Participants will gather at Dewey Square starting at 9:30AM to provide medical services, including flu shots and free health screenings, in collaboration with local health workers.  At noon there will be a speak out followed by a 1PM March and Rally on the State House to raise awareness about the health impact of unemployment, housing foreclosures, and Medicare and Medicaid cuts.

    “We want 100% health care for the 99%!” said Matthew Malek, a family medicine practitioner.  “Insurance for all doesn’t guarantee health for all. It’s time to take the profit out of healthcare.”

    With the rising cost of health care in the Commonwealth and as the Congressional Super Committee threatens to cut millions of dollars in life-saving programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, organizers will call for guaranteed health care for all US residents. Among Massachusetts residents, 1 in 5 (1.3 million) have Medicaid and while Wall Street was bailed out, millions of dollars in funding to essential health and mental health programs have been cut and millions more are on the chopping block. Organizers warn that saving pennies up front will only lead to increased costs down the road.  Already, emergency room visits have increased as more and more people have lost access to basic primary care and mental health services.  Who will foot the bill? The 99%, organizers say.

    The event is sponsored by the newly formed Health Justice working group of Occupy Boston, a group of Boston area physicians, nurses, social workers, students, public health advocates, and community members, which stands up for health care as a human right and sees this right being denied to millions of Americans due to lack of access to affordable and appropriate care.  For more information, please visit our website at or email us at


    Noel Ignatiev speaking tomorrow at 5:00pm

    Noel Ignatiev, professor of History at Massachusetts College of Art, will be speaking tomorrow, November 12 at 5:00pm  as part of the Howard Zinn Memorial Lectures and the Free School University. He is the author of  “How the Irish Became White”. His talk is entitled  “Race and Occupy”. For a complete schedule and videos of previous talks please visit the Zinn Lectures website.




    Daily Digest for November 11

    Fact of the Day: In a stunning victory for the environmental justice and occupation movements, the Obama administration has delayed a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline until late 2012/early 2013; effectively killing the project.
    News from other Occupations:  Occupy D.C. held a Super Committee hearing in Freedom Plaza
    Occupy Boston – Friday, November 11th

    Today’s Weather and EventsCloudy with a chance of showers in the morning… Then sunny in the afternoon. Cooler with highs in the lower 50s.

    Check out our Calendar of Events for today, below.

    Highlights: Veterans for Peace Parade and Rally! Join us at 10:00 a.m. on the Common for a march back to Occupy Boston

    Volunteer Opportunities: 

    – Free School University may close due to lack of volunteers to help run the day to day logistics … all work is easy and people are appreciative.  Looking for a few dedicated volunteers.  Come to our meeting on Friday at 4:30 by the library and contact:

    – The Safety Working Group needs more volunteers! We need people familiar with the Occupy Boston community. Meetings are daily, 6:30pm in the library or

    – The Food Tent is seeking a Food Coordinator to help with organization. If you are interested please contact Dan the Bagel Man at 857 272 6743 or email

    Other Working Groups seeking volunteers include Media, Outreach, Info Tent, Winterization, Logistics, Library and many, many more; every group is looking for volunteers so find the group that appeals to you and don’t be shy about offering help. Click here for a full list of Working Groups and their contact information. See where you think your strengths lay and where you can be most effective. We are looking for support both on and off-site, so even if you can’t come down there is something to do;  send an email the Info Tent for further assistance

    If you are able to, we are still looking for both material and financial support. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. For information on how our money is managed, please see our Financial Accountability Working Group page.

    Friday, November 11
    12:00pm Project No One Leaves: Anti-Foreclosure Conference
    10:00am Veteran’s Day: Veterans for Peace [off-site] Parade and Peace Rally
    11:00am prayers/movement and arty centering! with Laura Evonne Steinman
    12:00pm The Dewey Square Ad Hoc Chorus on Dewey Square Plaza
    2:00pm **OccuPoetry on the Main Stage
    3:00pm Bible study
    4:00pm Direct Action Meeting
    4:00pm **Concert:TBA
    4:00pm Safety meeting
    4:00pm Street Theater Group
    5:00pm Facilitation
    5:00pm **FSU Lecture and Discussion: “Capitalism at a Dead End”
    5:30pmWinterizing meeting
    6:00pm Ocupar El Barrio
    6:00pm **FSU: “Peace and the Quiet” (TENTATIVE – Documentary Film Screenings)
    6:00pm Outreach Meeting
    6:00pm Indigenous Solidarity and Outreach Working Group Meeting
    7:00pm Ideas Working Group Public Discussion
    8:00pm Transparency Meeting
    8:00pm Volunteer Coordination
    9:00pm Campers GA
    11:00pm “Thrive” Movie Screening;

    Questions or concerns? Please e-mail and we can help you with whatever you need.

    Occupy Harvard Press Release

    Contact: 617.701.6224 |


    Occupy Harvard Joins the Occupy Movement

    10 November 2011, Cambridge, MA—At 10:30 pm on Wednesday, November 9, hundreds of Harvard students and affiliates put down tents to begin an occupation of Harvard Yard. Currently, thirty tents occupy the Yard in solidarity with the global Occupy movement. Earlier Wednesday, around 800 Harvard students, faculty, staff, and community members gathered in a rally, general assembly, and march to Occupy Harvard. Harvard is a diverse community that includes both the 1% and the 99%; we occupy here in solidarity with the global Occupy movement and with Occupy Boston.

    We are Occupy Harvard. We want a university for the 99%, not a corporation for the 1%.

    We are here in solidarity with the Occupy movement to protest the corporatization of higher education, epitomized by Harvard University.

    We see injustice in the 180:1 ratio between the compensation of Harvard’s highest-paid employee—the head of internal investments at Harvard Management Company—and the lowest-paid employee, an entry-level custodial worker. We see injustice in Harvard’s adoption of corporate efficiency measures such as job outsourcing. We see injustice in African land grabs that displace local farmers and devastate the environment. We see injustice in Harvard’s investment in private equity firms such as HEI Hotels and Resorts, which profits off the backbreaking labor of a non-union immigrant workforce. We see injustice in Harvard’s lack of financial transparency and its prevention of student and community voice in these investments.

    We stand in solidarity with Occupy Boston and the other occupations throughout the country. We stand in solidarity with students at other universities who suffer crushing debt burdens and insufficient resources. We stand in solidarity with the students who occupied Massachusetts Hall one decade ago, and we continue their pursuit of justice for workers. We stand in solidarity with all those in Boston and beyond who clamor for equity. We are the 99%.

    A university for the 99% must settle a just contract with Harvard’s custodial workers. A university for the 99% must adopt a new transparency policy, including disclosure of Harvard’s current investments as well as a commitment to not reinvest in HEI Hotels & Resorts or in land-grabbing hedge funds like Emergent Asset Management. Further,

    • A university for the 99% would offer academic opportunities to assess responses to socioeconomic inequality outside the scope of mainstream economics.
    • A university for the 99% would implement debt relief for students who suffer from excessive loan burdens.
    • A university for the 99% would commit to increasing the diversity of Harvard’s graduate school faculty and students.
    • A university for the 99% would end the privilege enjoyed by legacies in the Harvard admissions process.
    • A university for the 99% would implement a policy requiring faculty to declare conflicts of interest.

    Our statement of principles is subject to change by the Occupy Harvard General Assemblies.


    “Ocupemos El Barrio” Launches in East Boston!

    On Friday, there was a meeting of around 120 people in East Boston for launching of Ocupemos El Barrio. After spirited discussion and speeches from the immigrant community, the gathering developed a media, outreach, and facilitation working group to take the project forward.

    As one organizer said, “I’m moved by the prospect of the Latino and broader immigrant community from various nationalities joining this movement and taking it into their hands as their own. This is a monumental development because of the potential it holds out to expand the Occupy movement.”

    Take a look at this favorable coverage by no less than Univision!

    What next?  We are looking to get people working on

    • Fundraising
    • Labor solidarity
    • Emergency and direct response in case of a deportation in the community
    • Housing advocacy (e.g. eviction blockades)
    • Research/statistics (we need to gather information about the state of immigrant community in MA and USA), and the Secure Communities program.

    We also need translators because we want to have meetings, media releases, and our blog/website in multiple languages.

    Please contact ocupemoselbarrio at gmail {dot} com  if you are interested in getting more involved.

    The next meeting is this Friday at 6pm at the Maverick Landing Community Center, 31 Liverpool St, East Boston (near Maverick station on the Blue MBTA Line).

    We are working on providing translation, so don’t let language be an occupation barrier!


    Contact us

    Occupy Boston Media <> • <> • @Occupy_Boston