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  • Archive: 2011

    March in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street Today, November 15, at 5 pm

    Occupy Boston will have a march in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street today, November 15, at 5 pm starting in Dewey Square. We stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in New York City and around the world. We are the 99%, and we are everywhere.

    Russell Simmons in Dewey Square November 15 at Noon

    Entrepreneur Russell Simmons—c0-founder of Def Jam records—will be in Dewey Square today, November 15, to make a major announcement “that will promote a more equal and just democracy.” You can read more here.

    Occupy Wall Street Raided

    Occupy Wall Street was evicted from Zuccotti Park. by the New York Police Department. Please continue to monitor their livefeed and Twitter stream through the night for updates.

    Watch live streaming video from occupynyc at

    From the Occupy Wall St. website:


    3:36 a.m. Kitchen tent reported teargassed. Police moving in with zip cuffs.
    3:33 a.m. Bulldozers moving in
    3:16 a.m. Occupiers linking arms around riot police
    3:15 a.m. NYPD destroying personal items. Occupiers prevented from leaving with their possessions.
    3:13 a.m. NYPD deploying sound cannon
    3:08 a.m. heard on livestream: “they’re bringing in the hoses.”
    3:05 a.m. NYPD cutting down trees in Liberty Square
    2:55 a.m. NYC council-member Ydanis Rodríguez arrested and bleeding from head.
    2:44 a.m. Defiant occupiers barricaded Liberty Square kitchen
    2:44 a.m. NYPD destroys OWS Library. 5,000 donated books in dumpster.
    2:42 a.m. Brooklyn Bridge confirmed closed
    2:38 a.m. 400-500 marching north to Foley Square
    2:32 a.m. All subways but R shut down
    2:29 a.m. Press helicopters evicted from airspace. NYTimes reporter arrested.
    2:22 a.m. Frontpage coverage from New York Times
    2:15 a.m. Occupiers who have been dispersed are regrouping at Foley Square
    2:10 a.m. Press barred from entering Liberty Square
    2:07 a.m. Pepper spray deployed — reports of at least one reporter sprayed
    2:03 a.m. Massive Police Presence at Canal and Broadway
    1:43 a.m. Helicopters overhead.
    1:38 a.m. Unconfirmed reports of snipers on rooftops.
    1:34 a.m. CBS News Helicopter Livestream
    1:27 a.m. Unconfirmed reports that police are planning to sweep everyone.
    1:20 a.m. Subway stops are closed.
    1:20 a.m. Brooklyn bridge is closed.
    1:20 a.m. Occupiers chanting “This is what a police state looks like.”
    1:20 a.m. Police are in riot gear.
    1:20 a.m. Police are bringing in bulldozers.

    Call 311 if you’re in the NYC area.
    NYPD 1st Precinct: 212.334.0611
    NYPD Central Booking: 718.875.6303
    NYPD Internal Affairs: 212.487.7350
    City Hall: 212.788.3058

    Harvard Custodial Workers Rally in Dewey Square Tuesday, November 15 at 4:30 pm

    Harvard University custodial workers from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 615 will be rallying outside the Harvard Management Company’s office—located on the top floor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, directly across the street from Occupy Boston in Dewey Square—tomorrow, November 15, at 4:30 pm. The custodians are currently in difficult negotiations with the University over parody, wages, educational benefits, and healthcare, and their union contract ends at midnight tomorrow.

    Occupy Boston partners with Encuentro Cinco

    At the General Assembly of Occupy Boston, Saturday, November 12, 2011, Occupy Boston passed a proposal to secure space at Encuentro Cinco for the Occupy Boston Media team and other working groups.  We have agreed to rent the space for the next four months, at a cost of $400 per month.  Encuentro Cinco is one of Boston’s prominent activist centers, and they have been lending us workstations in their collective shared workspace at no cost in the last few weeks. We are honored to have been offered space in their extremely overburdened facility.  Securing workstations and meeting space at Encuentro Cinco will allow Occupy Boston to store valuable and temperature sensitive equipment, and will permit groups and individuals to do work that is most productively and securely done offsite.  Occupy Boston looks forward to contributing  to the Encuentro Cinco community.

    Click here to read the full proposal as passed by General Assembly.

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