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    Richard Wolff and Paul LeBlanc speaking at Occupy Boston

    Renowned radical economist Richard Wolf and historian Paul LeBlanc will be speaking at Occupy Boston as part of the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture  and the Free School University.  Richard Wolff will be speaking Thursday at 6:00pm. His talk is entitled  ”Economic Crisis and System Change”. You can find more information of Richard Wolf’s work at his website. Paul LeBlanc will be speaking at 5:00pm on Friday. You can find information about him and his work here.

    Introduction to the Occupiers: Eric

    [Video courtesy of Liam Leahy and the Boston Herald]

    Emergency GA TONIGHT to Discuss OWS Crackdown and RESPONSE PLAN for Occupy Boston

    The Facilitators working group is calling for an emergency General Assembly meeting tonight at 7pm in Dewey Square, rain or shine. We URGE all Occupy Boston working groups and the broader public to attend.

    Given the nation-wide sweep, particularly the crackdown in NYC on Tuesday (11/14), we need to be ready to defend against a crackdown on Dewey Square.

    NYPD clearing Liberty Plaza. Are we going to let this happen to Dewey Square? (Muncy/Village Voice)

    1)      Participants will develop an awareness of the national picture regarding police repression (From NYC to Oakland) and what it means for Occupy Boston.

    2)      Participants from each working group will develop a specific tasks or set of tasks that can be executed in unison in the event of a crackdown on Dewey Square.

    3)      Occupy Boston will get a general plan in place for the event of a crackdown

    Please join us! The more eyes, ears, and minds we can get on this challenge, the better!

    Police Come By Night as World Plans Day of Action

    Police Come By Night as World Plans Day of Action on November 17th
    – Emergency GA tonight at 7 pm at Dewey Square –

    Following an unlawful and disturbing early morning crackdown by the New York Police Department on Occupy Wall Street, the international occupy movement is planning a major day of action on November 17th. Despite escalating, coordinated repression, the peaceful pursuit of economic justice continues to spread throughout the globe. On November 17th, communities everywhere will engage in daylong protests demanding accountability on Wall Street and in government, and in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street

    As of this writing, there are over two-hundred arrests in New York, including city councilman Ydanis Rodriguez, as well as reporters for the New York Times, the Associated Press, the New York Daily News and others. All arrests were made despite a court-order granting the protestors the right to stay in the park. Elsewhere, Denver police continue a sustained campaign of violence against occupiers, while Oakland, Phoneix, London, Toronto and Calgary are also facing unilateral action by the police.

    Occupy Boston stands proudly in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, and with all the occupations around the world. Tonight at 7pm we will be having an emergency GA focused on the eviction and to further plan our response. Please join us.

    We are the 99%, and we are no longer silent.


    ACLU and NLG File Suit to Protect Occupy Boston

    [Via ACLU website]

    Civil rights advocates seek protection for peaceful protest at Occupy Boston


     Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    Chris Ott, Communications Director, ACLU of Mass., 617-482-3170 x322,

    Howard Cooper, Todd & Weld LLP, 617-720-2626

    BOSTON — Civil rights attorneys from the National Lawyers Guild and the American Civil Liberties Union went to court today

    seeking to protect the rights of free speech, assembly, petition, and association for demonstrators at Occupy Boston in Dewey Square, in light of the heavy-handed police crackdowns in recent days on Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York, Portland, Ore., and Oakland, Calif.

    “The Greenway is a public park and traditional open public forum and, as such, is a place where rights of free speech and assembly are paramount,” said Howard Cooper, an attorney from Todd & Weld, who filed the suit as a cooperating attorney with the National Lawyers Guild-Massachusetts Chapter and the ACLU of Massachusetts.

    “It is unreasonable to suddenly and forcibly oust peaceful protestors from streets, sidewalks, and parks that have long been used as places for peaceful expression,” said Cooper.

    The suit, filed in Superior Court, seeks a Declaration from the Court recognizing the right to peaceful protest and assembly under the U.S. Constitution and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, as well as an injunction to prevent police from staging another night-time raid, such as the one that began Oct. 10, 2011 and continued into the early morning hours of Oct. 11, when the Boston Police conducted a mass arrest of 141 people in the middle of the night.

    Although Boston police have said that they have no plans “today” to evict the Occupy Boston protesters, Boston Police Department spokesperson Elaine Driscoll told that, “It’s difficult to say what will happen moving forward, but we will make those decisions on a daily basis.”

    Meanwhile, a BBC report aired on WGBH this morning suggests that the recent crackdowns in other cities may be part of a coordinated effort. Oakland Mayor Jean Quan said that she participated in a conference call with leaders of 18 cities shortly before the latest wave of raids targeting Occupy Wall Street encampments across the country were launched, although she didn’t mention Boston by name.

    “What happened in Boston on the night of October 10th when the police prevented hundreds of peaceful protesters from exercising their constitutional rights could be viewed as an indication of the City’s sentiments,” expressed Urszula Masny-Latos, Executive Director of the NLG, Massachusetts Chapter. “It seems like the Courts declare our rights; however, it is up to the Mayor and the police to decide who can exercise them, when, and how.”

    “The right to peaceable assembly and protest is critical to our democracy,” said Carol Rose, Executive Director of the ACLU of Massachusetts. “We urge the Court to issue a clear statement that, in America, the public streets and parks belong to the people, and the rights to peaceful protest and assembly will be protected.”

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