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    United American Indians of New England supports OB, encourages Day of Mourning

    On October 8, 2011, the General Assembly of Occupy Boston ratified a memorandum of solidarity with Native Americans and declared Columbus Day to be Indigenous People’s Day. In response, the United American Indians of New England(UAINE) released a statement of support for Occupy/Decolonize Boston. This support for the movement from indigenous people was later followed by support from the American Indian Movement in Minnesota. Below is the UAINE statement, which includes an invitation to refute the Pilgrims’ “Thanksgiving” mythology and instead join the National Day of Mourning for Native Americans. 


    United American Indians of New England (UAINE) supports Occupy/Decolonize Boston and the Occupy/Decolonize Wall Street movement generally.

    We are deeply moved and encouraged that Occupy/Decolonize Boston, as one of its very first actions, issued a memorandum in solidarity with Indigenous peoples.  This country and its immense wealth were founded on the genocide of Native peoples, the theft of our lands and resources, and the enslavement and forced labor of our African sisters and brothers.  We have been the victims of corporate greed for centuries.  If you seek to reimagine a new society free of corporate greed, then we would ask that you learn all you can about the past that has carried us to this place.

    The Occupy Wall Street movement is still forming and evolving. We call upon veteran activists to embrace and nurture this important new development, which is like a precious seedling.  We all have much to learn from each other.  We welcome this convergence of youth and students, People of Color, poor and working people — whether office workers, unemployed people, low wage workers or trade union members —, homeless people, LGBTQ people, disabled people, veterans, immigrants, and people from many other sectors of society.  We are all coming together in shared spaces, to share our anger and despair at current political and economic conditions, to plan direct actions, to learn from and understand one another.  Together, we can forge a new movement that will sweep away all of the corporate special interests that devastate all living creatures and threaten to destroy our beautiful planet.

    We fully support the right of the Occupy/Decolonize Boston encampment to expand from Dewey Square to other parks and open spaces in the city, without the necessity of permits and without fear of police reprisals.

    We invite all involved in Occupy/Decolonize Boston to attend the National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Massachusetts on November 24 at 12 noon. Every year since 1970, Native people and our supporters have come together to refute the mythology of the Pilgrims and declare the US thanksgiving holiday a National Day of Mourning for Native Americans.  On that day, we mourn our ancestors.  We speak about our history and about current conditions in Indian Country.  We express our solidarity with our undocumented sisters and brothers who are under attack and with others in struggle, from Haiti to Palestine.  And we demand freedom for Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier.  We stand with you now.  Come stand with us on November 24.


    End war and racism!  Honor Native treaties!  Stop the destruction of our Earth!

    United American Indians of New England (UAINE)


    Email: info (at) uaine (dot) org

    Facebook group:  United American Indians of New England

    November 24 – Occupy the Hood Food Drive!

    First, some numbers:

    In 2007, there were 36.2 million people in the U.S. (12.2%) living in food-insecure households, with the highest prevalence  among Blacks (22.0%), Latinos (22.3%), people in households with children under 6 years of age (17.7%), and single-mother households (30.4%).  In 2010, that number went up to 48.8 million.    In 2010, 4.8 percent of all U.S. households (5.6 million households) accessed emergency food from a food pantry one or more times, with nearly half of those households having to choose between paying for utilities or heating fuel and food.

    This Thanksgiving, Occupy the Hood will be continuing their winter food drive, bringing food and staples to needy families across Boston.  Bring your canned vegetables, fruits, rice, whole grain cereal, granola bars, peanut butter, beans, pasta, macaroni and cheese, canned tuna, pancake mix, baby food, tomato sauce, dried/canned soups, oatmeal/cream of wheat, and help support families in need.

    Help feed the Hood!   Bring your canned good and dry donations to the following daily drop-off locations:

    • MAMLEO, 61 Columbia Rd. (corner of Columbia Rd. & Seaver St.) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    • 201 River St. Mattapan, MA, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Canned food is good — turkeys are even better!   Your donations will go to support the purchase of high-quality goods for families in need.   To donate to support this effort, visit

    Food drive is ongoing!   To get involved, contact 617-297-7721 or email

    OB Approves Money for Occu-bagos

    The following passed proposal is summarized from the minutes of the November 22, 2011 General Assembly:

    Winterization proposes to use up to $1000, in addition to the same sum already received by donation for this purpose, to build 16 – 20 “Occu-bagos.” The Occu-bagos will be built on bicycle trailers and provide sleeping space for one or a few individuals, with a few kept as guest space in rotation for visiting occupiers. The building process and any design improvements will be documented and made available in the library.


    Medical Tent Receives Approval to Purchase Supplies

    The following passed proposal is paraphrased from the minutes of the General Assembly held on November 22, 2011.

    The medical tent proposes to spend $241.11 on five stethoscopes, an ear thermometer, a pulse oximeter and several other items necessary to the continued operation of the medical team. In addition, several vests will be purchased to help identify members of the medical team.

    OB Ratifies Proposal to Boston City Council

    The General Assembly of Occupy Boston reached consensus on the following proposal November 22, 2011:

    A RESOLUTION supporting the peaceful exercise of the First Amendment carried out by “Occupy Boston.”

    WHEREAS, Boston residents like people across the United States, are alternately angered and frustrated by the continuing economic and political crisis that threatens individuals’ and our city’s fiscal stability and our community’s quality of life; and

    WHEREAS, Occupy Boston is a peaceful protest and rally fueled by Boston residents and people from throughout the region from all walks of life who have come together to support the national movement started by the “Occupy Wall Street” protests; and

    WHEREAS, additional Occupy protests have taken root across the country, and across the globe and are a growing movement with the shared goal of urging residents to peaceably assemble in public spaces in order to create a shared dialogue to address the problems and generate solutions for economically and politically distressed people; and

    WHEREAS, the roots of the Occupy Wall Street protests are various, including unemployment, underemployment, growing income disparity, banking system failures, police brutality, environmental justice, the home foreclosure crisis, discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, undocumented status, disabilities, and/or homelessness; ongoing health and wealth disparities, and lack of corporate and political accountability; and

    WHEREAS, the Occupy Boston Movement expresses the message that there is the possibility for a more just, democratic, and economically egalitarian society through the symbolic conduct of creating an exemplar society, tent city, and direct democracy in the heart of Boston’s financial district;

    WHEREAS the causes and consequences of the current economic and political crisis erode confidence in the social contract upon which the Constitution of the United States of America is based; namely, the ability of We the People to come together and form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare; and

    WHEREAS, human beings from all walks of life, whether economically comfortable or destitute, recognize the destructive effects of our governing bodies and the political gridlock that protects corporations and their lobbying interests allowing corporations to control the welfare of the people and of the Earth’s environment.

    WHEREAS, the Seattle and Los Angeles city councils have recently passed similar resolutions in support of Occupy protestors’ right to peaceably assemble; and

    WHEREAS, a recent Boston Superior Court ruling has granted the temporary restraining order to prevent the City of Boston from removing the Occupy Boston protesters; and

    WHEREAS, Boston residents can and must resolve the divisive economic and social realities facing the City of Boston in a peaceful way that honors our commitment to truth, equality and justice, and;



    Section 1. By the adoption of this Resolution, the City of Boston recognizes and supports the peaceful exercise of First Amendment Rights by “Occupy Boston.”

    Adopted by the Boston City Council the _____ day of _____________, 2011, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its adoption this _____ day of ________________, 2011.


    President __________ of the City Council

    Filed by me this ______ day of _________________, 2011.


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