Women March through Boston in Force!

The Women's Caucus of Occupy Boston and allies marching through Chinatown.

“Whatever we wear, Wherever we go, Yes means Yes, No means No!” – “Consent in the sheets, Dissent in the streets!” – “We are unstoppable, another world is possible!” These are the words that rang in the streets today as the Women’s Caucus and their allies marched through Boston. The march that began at 12:30pm was  joined by local organizations representing women, people of color and other marginalized individuals in a powerful march beginning at Dewey Square.

The march stopped at the center of Fanueil Hall, where several women were given an opportunity to speak out about such issues as poverty, job and employment opportunities, healthcare, housing, reproductive rights, and LGBT rights.

Afterwards, the march resumed, meandering it’s way through the city until finally reaching Dewey Square where it started. From 2pm until 4pm, Spoken Word/Music then began at the GA Stage featuring the likes of poet Idalia, writer-playwright Gemma Cooper-Novack, and musician Lauren DeRose.