11/22 General Assembly Tonight (7PM)

As always, we’ll be meeting tonight at 7:00pm on the main stage at Dewey Sq for our General Assembly. It’s shouldn’t rain, but it’s going to be a really cold, so please dress warmly!

Among other things, we’re anticipating an announcement from our legal team about the injunction hearing on December 1st.

On deck for proposals is one from the outreach working group about language they are hoping to bring to the Boston City Council. Here’s a snippet of the resolution language:

RESOLUTION supporting the peaceful exercise of the First Amendment carried out by “Occupy Boston.”

WHEREAS, Boston residents like people across the United States, are alternately angered and frustrated by the continuing economic and political crisis that threatens individuals’ and our city’s fiscal stability and our community’s quality of life; and

WHEREAS, “Occupy Boston” is a peaceful protest and rally fueled by Boston residents and people from throughout the region from all walks of life who have come together to support the national movement started by the “Occupy Wall Street” protests; and

WHEREAS, additional “Occupy” protests have taken root across the country, and across the globe and are a growing movement with the shared goal of urging residents to peaceably assemble in public spaces in order to create a shared dialogue to address the problems and generate solutions for economically distressed people; and

Check out the whole resolution on the wiki, and see you tonight!