Saturday Marches

On Saturday, 3000 people from all walks of life marched from Park Street Station to Dewey Square as part of the October 15 Boston Antiwar Rally, which was sponsored by the Boston branch of the United National Antiwar Committee. While not officially endorsed by Occupy Boston, many member of Occupy Boston were in attendance.

After the Antiwar Rally, hundreds of people joined Occupy Boston in a second march to call for greater accountability on Wall Street and greater responsiveness in Washington.

Both events were part of the October 15 Global Day of Action that included demonstrations in more than 80 countries around the world. Here are some pictures of the Boston events:

Occupy Boston Demonstrators Rally at Park St.10/15/2011

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

#occupyboston 15oct

Occupy Boston Demonstrators rally in Dewey Square 10/15/2011

[Photographs courtesy of Jon Pack and WEBN-TV]