GA Summary – 9 July 2013

Proposals passed during the July 9th 2013 General assembly.

Natgat Endorsement

The general assembly agreed to endorse Natgat 2013.

Proposed by Aria. Passed in the consent bucket

Natgat Funding

We agreed to donate $500 to Natgat.

Proposed by Aria. Passed by consensus

Puppet Collective Funding

We agreed to give $1500 to a Puerto Rican puppet collective, to rent a van and travel to Bread and Puppets 50th anniversary.

Brought by David and Dey. Passed by consensus

Legal Aid

We agreed to give Linda $253 for legal aid and court costs.

Brought by Linda. Passed by consensus

Occupy Boston remaining funds

We agreed to hold $500 of Occupy Boston’s remaining funds in reserve (for operating expenses), and disburse the rest as follows:

  • 50% to street medics,
  • 30% to E5,
  • 10% to food not bombs, and
  • 10% to strike debt.

Future income will be set aside for operating expenses.

Proposed by Dana. Passed by consensus

(Note: this proposal is subject to reconsideration at the next GA)

Next GA: September 3rd 7pm
